
Friday, August 17, 2012

What if ROBLOX had a Stock Market?

So on my trip to Manhattan, I visited the very populated, but amazing, Times Square. And in Times Square, is none other than Nasdaq itself. Well, I took a tour of Nasdaq and while I was in there I was thinking to myself, "What if ROBLOX had its own Stock Market?" (Yes, I think of ROBLOX on vacation too). I was thinking about it and I came up with my own ways of how ROBLOX's stock market would work (my version).

Table of Contents:

1. How it would work
2. How to create one
4. Win/Fail Day
5. How this will affect the ROBLOX econ.
6.TL;DR Version

1. How it would work

Imagine Trade Currency (I will be referring to this as TC throughout this article). Now imagine ROBLOX's groups system. Now combine those. That's how I was thinking this would work. It would be like the TC, but it would be user-owned. A user could create their own Stock Market (I'll go into more details about this in the "How to create one" section) and investors would put their money into it, and depending on the day (I'll also go into more detail in the "Win/Fail Day" section) you would lose money or gain money. The owner of the Stock and people working at the Stock would earn shares of what people invest.

2. How to create one

It would be just as easy as creating a group. Groups>Create New>[Fill in Information]>Emblem>R$>Purchase. But a stock being 100R$, it would have to be more expensive (to make it so that there aren't as many stocks in ROBLOX (i.e. 1000R$). Now, the BIG difference in a Stock is that you can't just join a stock. You can't apply for one either. You have to be hired by the creator. This way, the owner of the stock won't be bombarded with applications of people trying to get into good stocks.


This would be more of ROBLOX's choice. I can't really decide what the shares would be but obviously the higher rank you are in the stock, the more money you would earn. And obviously there would be a capacity limit for each stock (i.e. 50 ROBLOXians per stock). But this is just my example. Depending on the day (again, I will get into more detail of this in the "Win/Fail Day" section), each person in the stock would also earn or lose money. Obviously the investor would gain more of the share because he is the one investing. This is my list of shares:
Investor: 55%
Owner: 25%
Admin: 12.5%
Worker: 5%
(Lower Rank): 2.5%

4. Win/Fail Day

Each day would act as a win/fail day. Only ROBLOX could determine whether it is a win/fail day. If it was a win day, that would mean ROBLOX released a good item and it either sold quickly or made a huge profit. It would also be a win day if the many limiteds' graph rose. A fail day would work like this: 1) ROBLOX released a item that sold very slowly, or with no profit. 2) Many limiteds' graph fell dramatically. 3) An item was projected (this is when someone buys many copies of items and deletes them making the amount of them in existence lower but making the price higher, DON'T BUY THESE). There are also days that wouldn't fail or win. For example, if ROBLOX released an item like the Lord of the Federation, that hat sold quickly and made a profit, but many people won't buy it.

5. How this will affect the ROBLOX econ.

I thought that this would be a great addition to ROBLOX (if it was added) because it would stimulated the econ and it would also stimulate the inflation rate so that it wouldn't really raise or lower. Nuff said.

6. TL;DR version

Someone makes a stock. You invest money. Depending on the day, you gain or lose money. The owner and workers of the stock earn shares of your money. Details above.

This has been a site suggestion by alexkylerock.
Wanna hear more about my posts? Follow me @alexkylerock.


  1. This is a good comment. If I could promote comments I would promote this one. Only 1 thing. IF Roblox would be to make a Stock Market, I could see them putting the "Create" price at 10k, that way, people with many many friends can't only have friends in their stock. There should also be a price to get into the stock. A small price. My only problem with my idea, however, is that it might make the rich richer, and the poor, poorer. Great comment though!

  2. Amazing idea is amazing...

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