
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Can users create their own graphics on ROBLOX?

This is a very unusual post for me to do, it's more talking about how users might be able to make graphics on ROBLOX, not just any graphics, Shadows, interactive water etc.

Now, on ROBLOX we are provided with a series of graphics:

  • 3D
  • Fog
  • Ambient
  • Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (Corner shadows)
  • Shadows
  • DirectX/OpenGL
There are many other graphics on ROBLOX, they are very complicated. But how is it possible with a script, (to an extent) create extra graphics on your game.

But before I start speaking about making them, lets get to understand them. And all you people who hate the idea of the Dynamic Lighting, prepare to be swayed!

Not many ROBLOXians appreciate the work ROBLOX put in making graphics, and how they make them is outstanding. With Dynamic Lighting, ROBLOX are only trying to make the aesthetics and realism better for you. And with the Dynamic Lighting people say "It's going to make us upgrade our computers", no it isn't. It's still going to be optional, it's just extra shaders, I've also heard people say "It ruins ROBLOX". But it doesn't. It's just people saying that because they don't know whether they can handle it. And you guys out there, reading who don't want the Dynamic Lighting, ask yourself "Would I like the Dynamic Lighting if ROBLOX had it?" Because, the truth is. You would like it. All of you would. You could possibly not know it, but you would. The reason for this is your eyes, your eyes are visually attracted to something graphical. Why do you think you always sit in your room on your 3DS or your iPad? Or even your PS3 bashin' out to a bit of Call of Duty? Because you're visually attracted to the graphics. Half the people who don't like the Dynamic Lighting are saying it to act "old" in ROBLOX. Graphics aren't just the look visually, it's also the realistic-ness of the game, perhaps you would have "moving" water on your game. That would visually attract some users, as it's very realistic to an extent.

Now that I've ranted a bit, and got that over with, lets talk about how users can make graphics just with simple code on RBX.Lua. Like I said, you can do anything from moving sea to character shadows. So lets get down to business!

Character Shadows;
These are more complicated than moving water, and such. Because with character shadows created by the creator of a game on ROBLOX that isn't made from the ROBLOX Graphics itself, is tricky. You would have to start off by cloning the parts inside the character into a model and cframing the model to always be a certain amount away from the character, using angles, cframe and all the other things. You would also need to clone the packages, if there is any, you could do this with an Array. Arrays are commonly used on minigames to find a random minigame out of that array. With that array, you would set a function to find the Robloxian 2.0 or 3.0 or whatever, and it is. Once you have learnt from the Roblox Wiki as much scripting as possible. You can start programming this...

Sea Movement;
Sea movement is an element of making a game look good, I usually use CFrame and BlockMesh for this, as it makes things easier.With CFrame you would use a for statement for the water to rise, and a for statement for the water to descend. Sea movement in a game is fairly easy, and takes not many tries.

Thanks for reading this post!

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