
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Poll Results.

Here are my poll results. It's been a week or two since I put this up and many have responded with some great responses. Here's some pie charts and graphs displaying the results. There were 7 responses overall. All those seven will change the way I do things here on RN!

Am I doing a good job as a Place Reviewer?

Do you like video place reviews that are made by DxandJohnCena/Refreshingwater?
Would you like to see more building contests?

Would you like to see more SF tournaments?

Do you want more hand-made gifts from me?

How many posts do you want to see from me weekly?

From a scale of 1 - 10. How would you rate how well I've been doing as a place reviewer?

Dude, did you like know that DxandJohnCena was Refreshingwater all along?

Who is the best place reviewer around?

Number of daily responses

With these responses, I will now do things differently here. Some of these have less because I added the options late. Which ever choice won, that's what I'm going to start doing more of. Stay tuned. All charts and poll were provided by Google Docs.

Thanks for reading, and have fun! :)

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