
Friday, September 14, 2012

Quadruple Review Week: Review #1

     I've decided to do four reviews in one week! Am I crazy? I may be a bit crazy, or just a bit nooby. Anyway, I'm going to begin by reviewing this weird and random building game, which promises you that you can build to your heart's consent, or to your heart's desire. Either way, I thought I should give it a try. I'm not running on a new Graphics Card and a new Power Supply, also to top it all off, on a new internet box thingy. I feel powerful, so I decided to do four reviews in a single week. I did something related like this a year ago, but I only did two reviews. So, I increased the number by two.

Build To Your Desire II  (Read desc :D)
Thumbnail of "Build To Your Desire II" a game by user CombativeStriker.

     I took a step inside and then I was introduced with terrain. Lots and lots of terrain. An endless amount of terrain was found inside of this place. I took my trusty stamper tool out, and began to build to my heart's consent. I built myself an awesome tunnel going through the terrain, only to take you to the same place you were mere minutes ago. I decided to build some more and more and more, until I was tired of building of course.

     Well, this place isn't so popular as you may think, so why did I review it? Well, I thought of reviewing a place I hadn't seen before. I also thought about reviewing a different genre that I hadn't reviewed ever before. This place surely intrigued me. It fascinated me when I was able to break through the terrain. I didn't find any one of the users who was in the same place as I was. It was a weird experience too.

     The reason I couldn't find other users might have been because there was only two other people alongside with me inside of that place. But, I may have found them eventually, right? Right. They might have been building their world headquarters for their newly founded clan. They also might have been creating a monument of some sorts of their favorite Moderator or Administrator. Who knows? Nobody, besides them. 

     I surely was able to build to my heart's desire/consent. I also surely enjoyed that kind of power that was given to me. I could ruin someone else's building project! >:) (DxandJohnCena doesn't like ruining other people's work.)

Scripting: 10/10. No scripts necessary.
Tools: 10/10. All tools necessary for building the greatest item ever are provided.
Building: 10/10. You have the ability to build whatever you want!
Community Enjoyment: 10/10. I haven't received any physical feedback on this exact game. But, I can tell people enjoy this by looking at how they visit this place often.
Originality: 1/10. Not so original, I've literally seen thousands of these places in my years of ROBLOX.
Deals with Problems: 10/10. No problems found.
Reviewer's Experience with Lag: 10/10. No lag ever.
Difficulty: 1/10. EASY AS 1 2 3
Reviewer's Enjoyment: 10/10. Enjoyed this a bit.
Reviewer's Recommendation: 10/10. Like building? This is the place to build on your own without the interruption of others. 
Thumbnail's Review: 10/10. Grabs the player's attention.
Scenery: 10/10. Not original scenery, but decent one.

Overall: 9/10. Decent place, could be a bit more fun. 

A quick Q&A. Question: Why have I been inactive on RN lately? Answer: I've been busy with school. Homework, tests, and what not. Question: Will you be more active on RN? Answer: Yes, I will try my best to write as many posts as I can. Expect a small delay on weekdays, but on weekends, I'm free to do whatever I'd like.

Thanks for reading, I hope you've enjoyed this first review of Quadruple Review Week. 

Play this game here.
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Place Reviewer of Roblox News.

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