
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Quadruple Review Week: Review #2

     For my second review of this long week, I decided to review "Legend's Arena III: Sage of War." The objective of this game is to kill a bunch of random players with various weapons and with different classes. Yes, I continue to feel as powerful as ever, with all new parts for my PC. I apologize for the delay, I've been busy with homework and more. Let's begin this review, shall we?

Project Sage of War_Image

Thumbnail of "Legend's Arena III: Sage of War" a game by user HylianLegend.

     I took a step inside of this place and was immediately introduced with a GUI with the logo for the game. A really good logo I should add. It then introduces you with a GUI button which let's you click on. It says "Play," obviously you click on it. You then are introduced with another GUI, oh goodie! (I don't like this many guis).
This terrible amazing GUI has all of the classes and their descriptions. To top it all off, it also includes an animated photo of them (as seen above). I decided to choose the swordsman, hoping I would begin to own every user inside of the game, I was completely wrong.

     First off, you have an "Energy" bar on the right hand side of your screen, this indicates how much energy is left inside of you. So, I find a user and start swinging my sword at him, little did I know what would happen next. I swing the sword, and as I'm swinging, the energy bar level goes down. As I run out completely of energy, I lose control of my sword. My sword now has a delay of swinging speed. It's good, because it makes it more realistic. There are also some items on the ground for you to pick up, but not just any items.

     These items are rotating and they are in the air, they are decals. This makes the game feel more like a FPS that is usually on PC and has those floating objects (Team Fortress 2). This game has lured me into it even more. I was getting completely owned, on account that I didn't know the game that well. So, I stopped playing after I died thousands of times.

Scripting: 10/10. For obvious reasons.
Tools: 10/10. All of the necessary tools that are required to own others are provided.
Building: 10/10. The map(s) are great. Nicely done.
Community Enjoyment: 10/10. Many users play this daily and enjoy it very much.
Originality: 8/10. Decently original, I may have seen a place like this once before, however.
Deals with Problems: 10/10. Not problems dealt with.
Reviewer's Experience with Lag: 10/10. No lag experience. Maybe because of my internet speed.
Difficulty: Medium. Not too hard, but can be hard at times. So, I'll do Medium.
Reviewer's Enjoyment: 9/10. The only thing I didn't enjoy was being killed, other than that, great game.
Reviewer's Recommendation: 9/10. You must be a decent sword fighter to own.
Thumbnail's Review: 10/10. Lures the user in. Like it did to me. There are some trailers to this so, new rating? Yes!
Trailer Review (NEW!): 10/10. Nice trailer. (Whenever there isn't a trailer included, I'll put something like 0/10 or something.
Scenery: 10/10. Decent scenery.

Overall: 9.5/10. Great game, I enjoyed it very much. However, the only problem was that you can get owned so fast. The game is empty often.

At the time of this review, this place had 451,609 visits, and 12,786 favorites, it was last updated 3 months ago.

Play this game here.
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Thanks and have fun.

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