
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Forbidden Box - Gear Review!

Hey it's your catalog reviewer, alexkylerock, here again with another gear review, the forbidden box! Before I start this review, I'd just like to say that if I don't post as frequently, it's because I can't find the free time to write posts because of school, my social life, or my extracurricular life. But without further ado, on with the review!
Abilities/Powers: 9/10

This gear is insanely powerful and a must-buy if you are in it for the abilities. When you activate this gear, your character puts the box in front of his body as if he were going to crush it, but he cranks an imaginary handle, somewhat like a grenade, and then throws the box on the ground. The box then emits a yellow ring that explodes around the box with about a 10 pixel radius and then the box emits a huge yellow beam from the top of the box to the sky. When this happens, four "ghosts" appear and attack your enemies. This is an overpowered gear and if you like making your enemies run, this is a must-buy. I only have a few concerns for this. 1) It takes too long to crank the box and throw it on the ground and if you are being chased with someone with a sword, you probably won't survive. The GOOD thing though, is that even if you die and the box is already on the ground, the ghosts will still come out and avenge you. 2) Once you use the box once, you can't pick it up again. I don't know if this is just a catalog heaven glitch or a glitch with the gear entirely but it is still a must-buy for those who want to send your enemies running.

Appearance: 10/10

The box's colors fit exactly with the color of the beam that the box emits, yellow. Yellow is also one of those colors that your enemies aren't scared of but when they see a bright yellow glowing beam in the middle of the sky at dark, they'll be wondering what the heck is up. I also love the intricate designs on the box. The front seems to be a spider web of some sort and it is somewhat scary. One of the sides has one big circle on it with three smaller circles and one of those circles looks like it has a "gear" shaped thing inside of it. The top is harder to make out from the icon that is given by ROBLOX but it seems to be some circle with very intricate designs on it. It makes this a threatening but lovely box. 

Pricing: 9/10

This item was priced at a flat 1.5k R$ when it was first sold. Now this item didn't sell very quickly, not like the Amethyst Periastron or anything like that. Obviously because people didn't know what the heck this was and they didn't know if this would win/fail in price. This is now priced at 2.1k R$, a 500R$ increase but actually it isn't that much if you think about how much this SHOULD be worth. If I made a gear this insanely powerful, I'd price it around 10k AT LEAST. I won't be buying this because I won't make much profit, personally. It has made a 500R$ increase over a 2 week period, and the graph shows that it is kinda iffy, but  it's up to you. With a gear this powerful, I don't think it honestly matters.


1. Make the box bigger.
2. Fix everything I wrote in the "Abilities/Power" section.
3. Change 1 with 2.
4. Delete 3.
6. Did you notice there wasn't a 5?
7. Make more minions come out of this.
8. Make bigger minions come out of this.
10. Make the minions faster and more powerful.
11. I bet you didn't notice the missing #9.

As always, this is alexkylerock wrapping up another gear review. I probably won't be writing as much because of all of the things as written above, but please stay in contact with me via twitter, @ledubstepmixr.


  1. Great review Alex! Thumbs up to this review and most of your reviews. Keep up the good work!


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