
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

ROBLOX Black Friday Gear Review: R-Orb


       Hey guys, Ulquiorra98 here, coming to you with a brand-new gear review! Today we'll be taking a look at the R-Orb, one of the gear items released on Black Friday this year. So, without further ado, let's get down to the review: 

Abilities/Effects: This super-charged orb can be used in two different ways. You can either A) release a flurry of relatively low-powered orbs upon your enemy (5 hits to a KO), with a reloading time of approximately 1 second per orb, or B) charge up and direct a full-on blast of energy at your opponent, guaranteed to wipe out most, if not all, of his health. However, this ability takes around 10 seconds to get a 1hit/KO. The gear's effects definitely resemble a move of one particular anime character from a show that rhymes with Ragonball T. Now, I wonder who that could be... 9/10.

Appearance: Once equipped, the orb removes any hats you have on, and leaves you with blond, spiky, anime-styled hair, which I find rather cool. Again, this hair does look vaguely familiar... 
The orb itself is orange and partially transparent, with the ROBLOX Logo stamped across the surface of it. I find it simple, yet nice. I think it deserves a 9/10.

Pricing: This gear item hit the Catalog on Black Friday at a price of R$650, which is definitely reasonable for an item such as itself. However, after the weekend was up, the Orb returned to its originally scheduled price of R$1,000. I find that to be a bit too much, and though I like the gear, I wouldn't want to spend a whole 1K on it.  6/10.

Overall: 8/10.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to follow me on twitter! @Ulquiorra98RBLX


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