
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Arbirator's Gifts 2012!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all received fantastic presents this year. Have fun with your copy of Black Ops 2, Assassin's Creed 3, pair of headphones, pony tooth brushes, speakers, game consoles, gaming rig or whatever else you got under the tree.

As my tradition, I have been releasing gifts throughout the day (picture above). Some are easy freebies, and some are harder and a whole lot rarer. They are listed below with hints as to how to obtain them:

Gift of the Apocalypse Survivor
Gift of the Apocalypse Survivor
'Congratulations, you fought off the zombies and survived the apocalypse of 21/12/12. You had better get ready for the one next year - you know what the internet is like. -Sigh-'

This gift is free to all until the 26th of December.

Snowflake Gift of Base64
Snowflake Gift of Base64

'So I heard you like decoding clues?VGhlIGdpZnQgd2lsbCBiZSBhdmFpbGFibGUgZm9yIHRoZSBmaW5hbCB0aW1lIGF0IDg6MDAgUE0g R01ULCAyNXRoIERlY2VtYmVyLiA='

This gift was made available at 3 different points in the day (GMT Timezone): 4:00 PM for 15 minutes, 6:00 PM for 30 minutes, and finally 8:00 PM for 15 minutes.

Temporal Gift of the Void
Temporal Gift of the Void

'Many of those who enter the void do not return. The unlucky individuals who survive their endeavour will never be the same.'

Twitter Gift of Social Network Addict
Twitter Gift of Social Network Addict

'Tweeting like there's no tomorrow. Literally.'

This gift will be put on sale at random points on the 25th December. When the gift is on sale it will be announced by @arbirator on Twitter. 

Golden Ribbon Gift of Christmas Spirit
Golden Ribbon Gift of Christmas Spirit

'Oh boy, look at those Christmas decorations!'

This gift is freely available until the 31st December.

Thanks for reading, happy hunting and Merry Christmas!

Editor of Roblox News

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