
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gift Guesses Gift #4: Self-Referrential GIft of Referring

Greetings gift hoarders of ROBLOXia! Today I will be gift guessing the Self-Referential GIft of Reffering.  As the name suggests, this gift is likely to be all about ROBLOX's referral system.

The referral system is simply where an individuals tells another individual about ROBLOX and how to sign up. On the last page of the registering process, you are given an option to type in the name of the user who 'reffered you'. If you fill this in; the place will receive +1 to their all time refferal count and will be a step closer to the Inviter Badge. Alternatively this gift could actually be linked with referring yourself, which is an option on the 'share' section of the site.

Self-Referrential GIft of Referring
The description reads: 'Get the references. They're not going to get themselves.'

Here are the several possible methods of obtaining the gift:

  •  As mentioned above, the gift is most likely obtained by reffering users to join ROBLOX (not to sign up for BC however - this was used as a gift back in 2009 as the Wintery Gift of Thanks). You can do this through the 'Invite A Friend' and clicking 'Email to a Friend'. Perhaps you can get some new friends to join ROBLOX! You most likely need the 'Inviter Badge' to obtain the gift - this is simple to get; just get four new users to refer you. Alternatively you may need a larger amount of referrals - perhaps between 10-20, although this unlikely. 
  • With a slight difference to the method before; you may need to click the 'Email to Myself' option and then send it to your verified email address. This method is possibly hinted at by the words 'Self-Referencing' and the use of a capital 'I' within 'GIft'.                                                                                                                       
  • The final and least likely accurate method is referring to yourself in your own description. Some of my more hawk-eyed followers may have observed me copying TheEasterZombie's ingenious idea by putting: 'I'm going to refer to the Self-Refferential GIft of Referring in my description, just for banter.' in my account blurb. You may want to do something like this to - just to be sure to get the gift. 

A quick walk-through on how reffering works on ROBLOX:

1. You can choose to get your refferals through word of mouth or by emailing your friends through the ROBLOX interface. To do this, simply navigate to the 'Invite A Friend' page under the share section on the ROBLOX main bar. Before clicking 'Send invitation' button at the bottom of the page, ensure you provide a email address for the message to be sent to (you also have the option of personalising the message). 

2. When a user first signs up to ROBLOX, after going through the individuals age, username and password the site will ask you if you would like to add a user's name in the refferal box. This is shown below: 

What might be inside the gift: 

Because the gift is likely direcly linked to a ROBLOX badge; the gift inside could possibly be another medal hat similar to the ROBLOX Veteran's Medal from 2010. It could be a ROBLOX Inviter's Medal and even possibly be this retexture. On the otherhand, the gift could be relating to the gifts wrapping and including some kind of candy cane themed item such as a cap or gear. 

Thanks for reading Gift Guesses #4, happy hunting!


-Editor of Roblox News 


  1. This entire gift thing is turning into a "Get free things for spending money on BC" sort of thing, Most of the things you need to do to get the gifts require you to have BC...

    It's quiet upsetting.

    1. You didn't need any type of BC to get this gift


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