
Friday, December 28, 2012

Random Gear Review: Helen The Hiphipapotamus

       Why, hello there! As you may have noticed from the title, this review will be a tad special. "Random Gear Reviews," as I have just now dubbed them, will be... (wait for it)... gear reviews of completely random gear items! Basically, this means that I'll pay a visit to Catalog Heaven, click the "Random" tab in the Gear section, then test out whatever item first appears on the page. Today, the gear I'll be looking at happens to be "Helen The Hiphipapotamus." Now, from the name alone, I can infer that this particular hippopotamus is probably quite hip. Is it hip enough for our tastes? Let's find out! (Really, though, who uses the word "hip" anymore?) 

Abilities/Effects: It does everything you'd expect a stuffed hippo to do... which isn't really saying much. Yeah, the gear item does practically nothing. When you click it, it'll hug you and repeat either a hippo-related pun or some sort of phrase, which I can't make out seeing as the audio quality isn't really that nice. Not much more to go on about in this category. 5/10.

Appearance: The nicest thing I can say about the item is that it's got an original mesh, and that's only because it's the only hippo-related thing in the entire Catalog. It's purple and when you wear it on your avatar half of it's kind of awkwardly molding itself into part of your arm. There's nothing particularly bad about the item, but that being said, there's nothing that terribly good about it either. I suppose I'll have to give it an OK score. 7/10

Pricing: Unless you're explicitly out looking for a purple, buck-toothed stuffed hippopotamus, I'd recommend using your money towards something else, seeing as this item is in the Catalog for 200 ROBUX. If it were at a price of, say, 10 ROBUX, or even 50 ROBUX, I'd deem the amount reasonable, but 200 ROBUX? Why spend that money here when you could save up 50 more and get a katana instead? Hmph. 6/10.

Overall: 6/10.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to follow me on twitter! @Ulquiorra98RBLX

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