
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fake C4 Gear Review

Hello readers, pajke here. Today I'm going to be reviewing something that I don't like. I'm going to be doing a so called "rant", more or less.

The item I'm going to review is the Fake C4. It truly is a dud.

The gears maximum potential.

This item was added to the catalog on the 25th of January in 2013, along with Duck, Gear Supressor 777, and the Ro-Ped.

Abilities: As far as abilities go, this gear is at the bottom of the charts. You just throw it, and after beeping for 20 seconds it conjures up confetti and some that is almost invisible to the human eye. It also makes party sounds. You can't even throw it very far. As the picture above demonstrates, the only thing this gear is good for is causing confusion. On rare occasions it could be used to scare someone away. Well, at least it's not just for decoration. 2/10

Distance before
You can't throw it very far, but here's a little trick to increase the distance you can throw items in gear battles. Now for this trick you're gonna need the Tornado Summoner, which is a great gear and I recommend you get it. Also check out my article on it. Well, anyway let's get down to this little tip.
  1. Use the Tornado Summoner to summon up a few tornadoes.
  2. Throw anything in the tornadoes, and do it quickly
  3. ???
  4. Profit
Just look at the difference in the distance thrown. This works with most thrown items, that function similarly to this one (For ex. [1] [2] [3]). Alternatively, you can just put the item on the ground and summon tornadoes on it, but this is more stylish.

Distance after.
Appearance: What saved this gear from a 0/10 score, was that it's not just a box that says C4 on it. It's 3x4 boxes, with a calculator wrapped around them. Nah, I'm just kidding, but the texture and mesh makes it seem like they actually worked a bit on it. Looks good on the character if you want to look like you're planning an attack on the ROBLOX HQ. 6/10

Price: 100 r$. Well, it's definitely not overpriced. I mean, it's just a gear for the kicks. It's selling pretty fast, but I don't see anyone really using it. I don't really have complaints, it's a good price. I think it's something a lot of people should own. Kind of like school books. Do you own 'em? Yep. Do you use 'em? Nope. 10/10 

Overall: Well, as you can guess from this article I'm not exactly in love with this gear. You gotta admit, there's better gear you can get.

Overall: 4/10.

If you liked this article, follow me on twitter @ForumerV2

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