
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Gear Review: Pyrox's Flame Staff


       Hello, everyone! As you all must have noticed, ROBLOX has released yet another contest sponsored by the creators of the LEGO Hero Factory series. As always, these contests come with free prizes, one of which, Pyrox's Flame Staff, will be the subject of our review today. So, without further ado, let's get down to the review!

Abilities/Effects: Pyrox's Flame Staff doesn't too shabby a job, and I must admit that I do enjoy the effect of the fire dancing around the tip of the flame-shaped blade, so I can't really mark it down there. The overall effect of the staff actually isn't entirely unlike that of the Tormentor's Axe, if you've seen that in action. Both are capable of causing quite a large amount of damage to one's opponent and are fairly decent weapons. I'd give it a 7/10.

Appearance: As with Furno's Flame Sword and Shield, the other prize available through this contest, I've found that I'm not really a fan of the design of the weapon. While it does look amazing with a LEGO Hero package, it just doesn't quite mesh with anything in the ROBLOXian Catalog as of yet. Ah, if only ROBLOX would release a Furno or Pyroz Package... Anyway, as I said earlier, I'm not too fond of the look, as the flame of the blade looks very plastic-y and slightly childish, which is why I've decided to give it a 5/10 in this category.

Pricing: You'll find that this gear item is one of the highest priced you'll ever see to hit the ROBLOXian Catalog. At a whopping 0 ROBUX, this monstrously expensive gear is second only to the second-to-last ROBLOX Tablet. All jokes aside, I appreciate the fact that ROBLOX is creating free gear which is easily available to players without Builder's Club. Great job, guys! 10/10.

Overall: 7.3/10

Thanks for reading, and be sure to follow me on twitter! @Ulquiorra98RBLX

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