
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lego Hero Factory: Furno's Sword and Shield review

Sup, Pajke here, reviewing Furno's Sword and Shield. Man, I really need to update the sentence I start my articles with, It's getting monotone.

So for this article, let's call the gear FSaS for short, since that's the acronym you get. This is the weapon the heroes use in the new Lego Hero Factory Game. You can also receive it as a permanent gear, just by getting five badges. If you haven't already, go and grab it.

Abilities: Well, it's not exactly a Swiss army knife with 50 functions. All you can do with it is swing. I mean, you can't even use the shield. When you swing it, it turns red. The damage output is balanced. You can kill an opponent in two hits. Each hit causes 55 points of damage. The animation is nice and fluid. 6/10 - Mainly cause of the damage output and I like the animation. 

Looks: The sword consists of a blade and what seems to be a flamethrower. The Cross-Guards are bladelike pieces of metal, that are pointing downwards. The Rain Guard otherwise called Chappe, is orange. The blade is shaped similarly to a specific Turkish sabre of which I don't know the name. The shield looks something like a Kite-Shield, which is a pretty balanced shield, even though its Base isn't pointy. Just like with the sword, there seem to be flamethrowers attached to it. 7/10 - It looks too legoey for ROBLOX, but I like the meshes and the overall layout. 

Overall: It would have made a lot more sense if we could actually use the shield. Next to no functions, except for simple hitting. Balanced damage output. Doesn't look so bad. I don't hate it, but it could be better.

Follow me on twitter @iPajke

1 comment:

  1. How come when I earn it it doesn't give it to me as a permanent gear.


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