
Friday, March 22, 2013

CFrame Review: Serene Mill

This building is truly beautiful. I actually don't know any game that can top it. And with the extra graphics only makes the game look visually better. I could safely say, this is the most graphical ROBLOX game I have ever visited, and it's finished, so it's even better. You can't beat it, I can beat it, Ralph can't beat it... --->>

[Serene Mill][海悅軋機寧靜,周圍的天空][Original Version1]

This game is amazing, truly. The trees are the most unrealistic objects within the game, and they are meshes! The house looks like a typical corroded house, but very life-like and immeersive. You can tell that the creator of this game knows his way with making things rotate, because there are two spinning cylinders.

There is spheres that are coloured and textured as grass, and they are well CFramed. There is also a waterfall. The waterfall looks very real too. The water that travels down is actually spinning ice bricks but it makes the waterfall look like it's shrinking and growing due to the speed it is travelling down the pathway of rocks. Inside the house, there are many beautys as well as the stairs that are well fitted, and the spinning cylinder which is also well fitted.

One thing that drew my attention was the overlapping of the wood on the outside layer of the house,  which displayed fascinating craftsmanship  It is a truly epic detail that most ROBLOX games should have implemented. I've played many other games that really irritate me, and I'm pretty sure Arby would agree with me that games with this kind of detail really should stand out more than those less deserving games that often get to the front page.

What if you can't CFrame? There is always an alternative, games with a great storyline, title and objective are attracted to. For example: Catalog Heaven - not heavily CFramed or detailed, but is a kind of game a lot of people play, freeze Tag is another. All contain an objective. This game is just for roaming, wondering. Visualizing ROBLOXs full potential. The potential of all you ROBLOXians shouldn't be underestimated. But Don't underestimate the power of CFraming to further enhance an objective based game.

This game gives off a wonderful effect. A bigger effect than any of my games before have. It's a one of a kind. I don't think I will ever see a sight on ROBLOX quite as good as the Serene Mill.

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