
Monday, March 25, 2013

Classic Hat Review: Sir Rich McMoneyston, III

'Ello there, chaps! Fancy a cup o' tea today? Ah, why 'm I writing in what appears to be a 'orrible English accent? That's because t'day, we'll be taking a look at one of my favorite hats, which, for some reason, reminds me o' England: Sir Rich McMoneyston, III. So, without further ado, let's get down to the review!

Mesh: The mesh is very original, and it personally reminds me of something the guy on the Monopoly box would wear. This one hat itself consists of three items - A top hat, a monocle, and a mustache large enough to rival Hercule Poirot's (Agatha Christie fans will get the reference)! 3 original items in one hat? I consider that quite a steal! 8/10.

Appearance: The mustache and top hat are a nice, dark shade of brown. The top hat rests slightly tilted on your avatar's head, which I like quite a lot. The monocle stands out a bit, with it's blue lens and golden rim, but I find it to be a nice fit to the rest of the piece. There's not much to complain about here! 10/10.

Pricing: There is a reason as to the many references of money in the hat's name. This is because, of course, this hat is incredibly expensive. At 11,111 ROBUX, this hat is one of the fewest sold items in the Catalog. I assume that this is only due to its pricing, as the hat itself is quite nice. As of now, only about 700 copies have sold, also making it one of the rarer, non-limited hats you'll find. I'm not going to  give this hat a horrible score in this category because I believe it should be at a substantially high price. Plus, like I mentioned earlier, you're basically getting 3 hats for the price of one! 9/10.

Overall: 9/10.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to follow me on twitter! - @U98RBLX

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