
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gear Review: Ivory Periastron

Ivory Periastron

Hey guys! Chubbs21 here with another review. This time we're reviewing the new Ivory Periastron! It is the sixth in the series!

Mesh: 9/10
This mesh for the periastrons definitely complete their goal. They look like space swords. The handle is pretty basic, then the middle part is cool. Seems like it's some metal blade sticking out of the sword. In the middle there is some button-looking thing that I still don't understand what it represents - perhaps a crystal or plasma ball? The blade could of been a bit better. It looks like a lightsaber but could use a better tip. Maybe something more pointy, giving it a more 'deadly' feel. 

Texture: 7/10
The bottom half of this periastron is like all others, besides the handle. The metal part stays the same, the four colors in the button-looking thing are the same, but the handle being a normal black gives it a good look. The blade itself looks like it is a simple recolor of another periastron, just making it black and white. They could of made a yellow periastron, but rumor has it another periastron is coming.

Abilities and Controls: 6/10
The controls on this periastron are a bit confusing and very much similar to the purple periastron. When you double-click, it seems to make some kind of lightning effect and makes your character spin, exactly like the purple one. Whoever scripted this seems just a little lazy. I've played around and couldn't find anything else that this periastron can do but simply swing once you click once. That's all I could find.

Money Value: 10/10
Now this is the part that everyone loves about this periastron. It made profit. It originally sold for 2,000R$ and had a stock of 125 copies. Now it is selling for about 9,000R$ with a Recent Average Price of almost 10,000R$. If you were an original buyer, you could be clear for getting a future green and sparkly hat on Sunday, March 17. ;)

Enjoyment: 6/10
The only thing I really enjoyed about this periastron was the amount of profit I received  Otherwise, it looks like the admins were on the lazy side with this one. It looks cool and sells for lots but the controls just aren't good.

Overall: 7.6/10
This sword has a great space-looking mesh, a neat texture to go with the mesh, poor abilities and controls, an outstanding money value, and an OK enjoyment level. The only reason I would buy this is for collecting all the periastrons, or if I bought it cheap and want to sell for around 10k robux. That's all for today, and thanks for reading!


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