
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Place Review: The Globe [Showcase]

Hey, PeerPants here with another place review! As you may have already seen, six places were recently showcased in the ROBLOX blog. The last place caught my eye, so, here's a review of it! This review won't be too long, as there isn't much to write about, but I promise my next place review will be much longer!

Place Reviewed: Globe Theatre
Place Creator: artxia98
Game Last Updated: 16 hours ago (March 13th 2012)
artixa98's Version
Real Life Version 

Firstly, I'll show you what Andrew Haak, (communications / public relations at ROBLOX) had to say about the place:
According to its place description, Globe Theatre was a school project artxia98 decided to create using ROBLOX. It’s a detailed recreation of the Globe Theatre (go figure), which was originally constructed in London in 1599 and associated with Shakespeare. I hope artxia98 got an A.
There has been schoolwork showcased in the blog before, in October 2008, which shows that ROBLOX can be used for much more than just fun, it has an educational side to it. Anyway, on with the review.

This place is one of those places that makes you say "wow!". Every part of the building is detailed, from the floor to the roof. If you compare the real life globe with the version built by artxia98, there is little difference. The game could be developed a bit more, maybe a few more things to do, or surrounding buildings, but overall it's an amazing build, and deserves to be featured in the blog! Anyway, enough talking, let's see what other people have to say about it...

Incredibly well built and captures the realism of the structure perfectly.
Amazing and a creative piece of art.
A classical experience which is based on Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, highly detailed and feels very realistic, but, lacks atmosphere. 9/10
Lots of detail, but boring. 8/10
Globe Theatre


Gameplay: N/A
The place is a showcase game, a gameplay rating wouldn't be irrelevant to the game.
Effort: 10/10
It is obvious that lots of time and love has gone into making this game, and it is clear that all the effort has paid off, who wouldn't want their game in the blog!?
Creativity: 9/10
A few people have tried to make 'The Globe' before, but none have put in this much effort or detail.
Overall: 9.5/10 

Place Review by PeerPants
Got any places for me to review? Tweet them to me or message me on ROBLOX!

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