
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Gear Review: Badblox Hatchling

Today I decided to do a review on one of our items that came from the Egg of Duty (featuring in the 2013 Egg Hunt) called the Badblox Hatchling. Hatching onthe 4/4/2013, this item is extremely common, the egg of duty egg was awarded 194878 times; meaning that 194878 people own the gear.

For those of you who read my review about the duck gear, this is going to be déjà vu, the review will be very similar due to the fact that the scripts are exactly same. For those of you who missed my other review, I hope you enjoy this one!

Abilities: 7/10
This chick can’t do anything really…. It is useless in combat but it’s a gear designed for entertainment, causing no damage or destruction. When you click with the hatchling selected, seven Rambo chicks follow your every you move until your character is KO'd, then they disappear. When they are spawned, a marching sounds can be heard which I believe is a cute little addition.This gear has little purpose and is not a very good egg item. 

Appearance: 7/10
The texture consists of yellow fur and a green bandanna and war-paint. When you wear it on your avatar it just shows a little yellow chick in the avatar’s hand, appearing to quite small. This item is not bad at all, but it's not great. I personally liked the egg itself more than what it hatched into.

Value for money:  10/10
Some people were disappointed with what hatched from the Egg of Duty, others rejoiced in the news that had received a cute gear item. While the item is obviously not perfect, it was obtained from a free to collect egg hat and so I cannot complain about it's great value for money. 

Overall: 6/10
This gear is not a bad gear for a social item, but I wished a new script had been written for it, the recycling of the script makes the gear drop points in terms of originality. However, you cannot really argue with an item that was free in the first place - I just wished you could keep the original egg as well as the hatched item.

Thanks for reading this review, follow me on twitter for ROBLOX and RN updates @darkfish900

Article by darkfish900 and Arbirator.

1 comment:

  1. could i get it? i didnt get it and im DYING to get one


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