
Monday, April 1, 2013

Place review: Everlast.

look at these frikn thumbnails

i mean seriously

best gm ever rite

u fit robots and hav guns and lik do stuf and hav kil time it fun

buildn : 10/10

dis is th bst gam evr i meen lok at tbuildin thr r robot the city i sperfclty built

whoevr built this is modrn day leonardio de corpiro lik srsly it pwn

scrptn : 13/10

guns r al orignl script whoevr scriptd dis is betr den bil gats

lik whoevr made this gam mus b supr pro liftr

fun : -0/10

u cant evn comprehnd how much fun this is

so its an uncropmehndabl numbr

pricing : 10/10

good price for a gm it only costs 0 robux and 0 tix to play overaly it is one of the best gams evry its is betr den apocalps risn and it is betr den dedzon and betr den evry other gam in existnce (excpt games mad by tinfol bot)


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