
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Place Review - Molten Depths Minigames

Hello everyone, PeerPants here with another place review. Today I am reviewing Molten Depths Minigames by SilentSwords. I will be talking through the different aspects of the game, so, enjoy the review!

The Lobby

When you join the game, you're placed in the lobby. The most popular part of the lobby is the viewing area, which is a glass section sticking out of the lobby, where players who aren't participating in the current minigame can watch other players take part. The lobby also has a shop where you can buy a selection of different badges with the points earned in game.

I am now going to go through all of the different minigames available to play, and give each one a rating out of 10.

Lucky Cages (8/10)

Lucky Cages is a really fun minigame. There are four cages, red, yellow, blue and green. Each player picks a cage to go in, and the cage doors suddenly close. One cage then falls into the lava. Players can then either choose to go to a different cage, or stay in their current one. Another cage then falls, and the process is repeated until there is only one remaining cage. The player(s) in the remaining cage receive their share of the winnings.

Volcanic Swordplay (7/10)

The rules are simple, fight to be the last survivor. Each player is teleported to the map, and after three seconds, each player is given a sword. They must then battle to be the last player alive. The last 3 surviving players each win a share of points, with the person who was 1st collecting the most.

Voltage Mayhem (10/10)

This minigame is really fun. A VIP controls where the lasers go, they can either move up or across. The aim is for the VIP to kill all the players, and for the players to dodge the lasers by jumping over them. If the VIP successfully kills every player, the VIP wins all the points. If players survive the lasers, the players who are still alive collect a share of points.

Lava-Hot Battle (9/10)

Each player is given the classic battle tools, a bomb, a rocket launcher, a linked sword, a trowel and super-ball. They must then all battle it out to be the last survivor. However, there is a twist. While players fight, around them lava rises, threatening to burn them alive. So you'll need to stay away from the lava if you want to succeed in this minigame.

Fierce Jumping (10/10)

This is probably my favourite minigame. A series of platforms appear, and you have to jump from one platform to the next, kinda like Frogger, I suppose. Anyway, you also have to avoid spikes, and last until the end of the game, or else you will fail!

Boulder Dash (2/10, Broken)

At the time of review, this minigame isn't working. However, I played it while it was working and it was really fun! You had to dodge boulders that the VIP sent crashing down to you. If you managed to dodge all of the boulders by the end of the game, you won! If everyone died, the VIP won.

Going Up High (8/10)

The aim of Going Up High is to click as many times as you can, more than all of the other players. The player who clicks the most, and has the biggest ball, wins the points. People in 2nd and 3rd places also get points.

Rusty Platforms (9/10)

Rusty Platforms is another game of chance. At the start, there are lots of platforms, and one by one, they take it in turn to drop. This game requires fast reactions to win, as you need to jump away from your current platform if it is falling.


Gameplay 9/10
Creativity 7/10
Effort 10/10
Overall 9/10

SilentSwords has done really well with this game, just a few more fixes and finishing touches would make the game perfect!

Place Review by PeerPants
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