
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Introducing Roblox News' New Staff!

Greetings everyone! Alas it is that time again when fresh new recruits to our team our revealed and are announced fashionably late (apologies).

 A couple of weeks ago we announced that we were hiring new staff members to come and join the blog and today is the day I can finally reveal to you which lucky individuals made the cut. First of all, however, I'd like to explain each of the job roles which are part of the site wide restructuring programme.

Game Journalist 
A game journalist is an author who is regularly active among the gaming community of ROBLOX. This means that they often visit front page games and other projects of interests. They enjoy talking to game creators and programmers and will be tasked in getting the latest news on all things made of blocks. Their role includes writing  place reviews, interviewing ROBLOX builders and publishing feature articles on upcoming projects and tech demos within the diverse community. For example, we shall be hearing more about lesser renouned games such as Strobe and RoadRunner Canyon.

Catalog Analyst 
Becoming a catalog analyst requires a great deal of knowledge about ROBLOX's economy and the way the catalog works. They have a sharp eye for making a quick buck, but also can spot long term investment opportunities like the infamous players from the club-house forum: LMaD. Catalog analysts will cover all a range of items such as gear, hats, packages and faces. Articles will be focussed on reviewing item appearance, profit capabilities, abilities (gear) and more! However, with the restructuring programme comes a new set of opportunities for both new and old catalog analysts as I would like to broaden our catalog articles to include more community content and and artists that require special mentions.

Site News Journalist 
Introducing a completely new role to Roblox News, the site news journalist will be covering all things ROBLOX! This means they will be covering recent press releases, tech updates and other site news such as seasonal events. While authors do currently publish some of these articles already, I'd like to put a lot more emphasis on the building, graphical and interface updates that are regularly coming in.

So, there you have it - three fantastic roles, but the question still remains? Who will fill them? Wait no longer as I reveal the new Roblox News staff below! (Explosion due to excitement overload is permitted on this rare occassion - just not in our office please). In my great wisdom, I have decided to hire six individuals because there were a great quantity of outstanding applications!

The NEW staff!

pbjms - Catalog Analyst 

Pbjms has been a tester for recent Roblox News projects, namely the Roblox News Egg Hunt 2013 and has been proven to entertain us regularly. His submitted application was well written and there was clear thought put into the sample article attached.

Rayman36 - Catalog Analyst 

Rayman36 submitted a very interesting application populated by quotes as well as opinions on a virtual item. This approach differentiated itself from others and appealed to me greatly. It highlighted to me a clear presence of creativity and I knew instantly he was writer material. You may see these quotes in his future articles for RN!

Nitro357 - Game Journalist 

Joining our prestigious game journalism ranks is Nitro357; a talented individual who enjoys creating strategy guides for popular ROBLOX games. Nitro presented a well thought out application and excellent feature length sample article based on RangeMeludE's  popular RPG: Lord of Range's Cape.

T0MALO - Game Journalist 


T0MALO has been expressing his interest in writing for Roblox News for several months and has been incredibly enthusiastic about whether he got the job. He is articulate in his approach to journalism and produced an application of high quality. Tom will make an excellent addition to the RN team with his new idea of rant video reviews; we'll be seeing those very soon!

DxandJohnCena - Game Journalist 

Known by the previous alias of 'refreshingwater', DxandJohnCena is a past Roblox News staff member many of you will remember. Dx provided the blog with excellent place reviews and after his long break has decided in his great wisdom to rejoin our creative team.

Robloxer032 - Game Journalist


Robloxer032 provided me with a clear indication as to the the quality of his writing. His well planned out and highly descriptive sample article felt professional and stylish , and the clear cut rating system of the end of it provided easy closure for the casual  reader.

There we have it; our six new staff members! Now you may be wondering why there weren't any site news applicants chosen- this is simply beause there were not enough applicants for that role. Do not despair however as I am extending the deadline to the 16th of June 2013 before 11:59 PM PST, only for site news journalist  - do NOT send in applications for catalog or game roes on the blog.

Thank you reading, I wish all the new staff all the best inttheir Roblo News endeavors!

Editor of Roblox News


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