
Friday, July 19, 2013

Classic Hat Review: Stage Prop!

GUESS WHO? YEA THAT'S RIGHT! I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD AND LET ME TELL YOU, THAT PLACE IS SCARY. No but seriously I am back from my ROBLOX leave and I'm bringing you more posts than you have ever seen. It's gonna be like BING BANG BONG. No but seriously all jokes aside, I won't be officially joining the RN Team but I will be back posting more as a "helper" rather than a full time staff member. I decided to come back because I really missed the team and the ROBLOX community, and I'm willing to meet all the new staff members and to make the RN community a better place.

But less talk about me, more talk about today's review. I decided, since I'm coming back, to do an old school hat review that most people probably don't know about, less even have it. This was one of my first hat's and it's very cheaply priced for anyone to buy. So without further ado, I introduce... PROP HAT, wait that's not it. STAGE PROP!
Mesh: 10/10
I'd love to say that the simplicity of this mesh is what makes it a great hat, but that's not all. It's not only simple, it's unique. There hasn't ever been another hat like this with the same mesh. Saying that, I'd really like to see a retexture of this, such as the "Illumina Prop" or the "Darkheart Prop." But if there was a prop using any other SFotH sword, it would probably ruin the uniqueness of this hat and it would probably make LMaD go crazy. And we all know we don't want any of that. It is a perfect hat for the Triple Hat feature and goes perfectly well with other hats but I'll talk about those later.

Texture: 8/10
Again, amazingly simple and unique. There are some places (such as the handle) where you can see a line that separates the beginning and end of the texture. It does represent the linked sword, and I can't emphasis enough the simplicity of this hat, yet the uniqueness either. I feel like if ROBLOX were to release a Linked Sword gear, it would ruin this hat. I gave this an 8 because I feel like there were spots where it could be more fine tuned but being one of ROBLOX's first ever hats made, it deserves its solid 8.

Pricing: 10/10
Hmm, lets talk about this pricing. Will it inflate ROBLOX? No. Is it limited? No. Will LMaD go crazy over it? No. Will it leave a hole in your bank? No. Is it worth the money? Unless you don't have 50 tix, then yes. Yes it is. For the cheaply priced 50 tix, there really isn't anything more to the pricing. Again, if there were a retexture of this, such as Darkheart Prop, and it was made limited, the pricing of both hats would be slightly ruined. Of course, it deserves a 10/10 because ROBLOX hasn't made some stupid mistake by raising the price because everyone on ROBLOX is rich now. Now even your simple guest who just joined ROBLOX can wear something so simple but they can feel cool.

Style: 10/10
Like I said before, the Triple Hat feature really helps this out. If it weren't for the Triple Hat feature, then I probably wouldn't be reviewing this. It's kind of like the Sword Pack. If there was no Triple Hat, then the hat would probably be useless. I mean, who likes to look at some bald guy walking around with a sword stuck into his head.

This hat is perfect for it's price and what really concerns me is that this hat is somewhat lost in the swarm of limiteds. We don't appreciate these simple and cheap hats as much as the flashy and expensive hats. I feel like sometimes people should slow down, and wear this hat and not really brag about "Oohhh look at me I have a sparkly fedora and it's worth millions and all you're wearing is a sword in your head." What I would really like to appreciate would be if we were to promote a special day where you could only wear hats like these and make yourself look like an idiot. Then if everyone looks like an idiot, no one could laugh at each other "OH LOOK YOU'RE POOR YOU WEAR A SWORD IN YOUR HEAD." 

This is a very long post...
I'd really appreciate it if you would check out my twitter @alexchickenwang
And if you would check out my youtube /itschingchangchong
I make homegrown videos there, some of which are funny and some of which are serious.
Thanks for taking me back into the RN Community and I will see you in my next post!

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