
Monday, August 26, 2013

Roblox News Building Contest

Roblox News Building Contest

The day has finally come! RayMan36 here to introduce our new contest. This is for all the expert (and novice) CFramers out there who want to win some serious cash!

Our contest will be somewhat of a hackathon; you have certain requirements to fill, and in a certain amount of time. We will have many different "challenges" throughout the next few weeks. You will have a certain amount of time to complete a certain challenge and tweet me (@Rayman36_RBLX), or Roblox News (@RBLXNews). If you win, you will receive 1,000 Robux from the Roblox News Staff ! Now, without further ado, let's move on the first challenge!

Challenge 1: A Gothic Dilemma

Arbirator was building a Gothic cathedral one day. He had all of the arches built, but he had no clue where to put them! Your job is to use arbirator's arches and build a suiting structure for the everyday Dark Sorcerer. All of the arches are in this set. Good Luck! All of the entries are due by the 10th September. The winner will receive 1,000 robux for having the most creative use of the arches.
Here's my example.



  1. Are staff members allowed to participate?

    1. I'm going to say no to this one to give others a fair chance

    2. I'm not sure how it would be UNfair.

  2. I'll try my best. Are we allowed to add textures / colours?


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