
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Roblox News Interns: Second Roll-Call!

Here at Roblox News we have been receiving summer internship applications all throughout last week. In this post I'm pleased to announce our second three interns! As with every year, the applications were of the highest quality and many were added straight to the 'definite intern' list after being read. There is no set number of summer interns - and it changes from year to year; positions offered are totally dependent on the number of quality applications. This is our second roll-call; you can read about our first roll-call right here!

What is the intern programme? 

A number of applicants are chosen to become summer interns here at Roblox News. These individuals will shadow staff members who are currently in occupation on the blog for the period of the (British) summer holidays - the programme ends on the 8th September. Interns will draft posts relevant to the shadowed staff member's area of expertise and will receive guidance from their mentor. The intern will receive feedback after each post they make via the ROBLOX private messaging system; they will given 3 positive points outlining what they did well, and given a target to improve upon in their next publication.

The idea of the programme is to equip aspiring writers and journalists with greater literacy and communications skills. Interns continuously learn from their experience by building relationships with both Roblox News staff and fans. Once the internship programme is over, interns may be asked to stay on as full time staff members right here at Roblox News!

Here are the second batch of summer interns!

Elvinusa submitted an excellent application consisting of a clearly outlined skill-set and experience he has acquired over his time on ROBLOX. Boasting an intelligent writing style and interesting format; Elvinusa informed me of his ROBLOX career within clans and how he hopes to utilise his knowledge in his future articles. He also displayed an interest in creating some new themed articles regarding ROBLOX places and the building behind them. For this reason, he will be shadowing one of our lead place reviewers; Peerpants.

Darwin12's application screamed individuality and freedom of expression - something that is highly sought after in the world of gaming journalism, and journalism as a whole for that matter. His attributes and past experiences were documented as well as his current professions including his very own blog and his ROBLOX machinima project. Darwin12 will be shadowing nitro357; a talented place reviewer.

I look forward to working with these two fantastically talented individuals, and rest assured we will be reading their quality publications this week! The third, and final batch of Roblox News summer interns will be announced tomorrow in our last roll-call! Don't miss it! 

Thanks for reading!

Editor of Roblox News

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