
Monday, October 21, 2013

Place Spotlight: Holkham Hall

Hello guys, a new Place Spotlight Article from me again. I chose this because I asked a ROBLOXian - Rosie92680, if he would vote on my Halloween Costume, and he said he would and in return I had to go to his place. All I expected was a basic place....not Holkham Hall, which turned out to be magnificent.

I truly believe it is one of the best places I have ever seen, a few bits I would remove but overall it is stupendous. Holkham Hall was created by Rosie on the 17th of October, 2011. Every part of it, removing 2 pieces, is perfectly fitting into the whole scene. It all matches, and works as a work of art when placed together as it is.

Rosie created Holkham Hall in the hope she would someday be noticed by the Roblox Blog, so I thought this would be nearly as good, having a Roblox News article on it's beauty. If nothing else happens after this article is published, the least Rosier deserves is constant visitors, meaning thousands upon thousands on place visits. I am no expert on Building, but by my standards - and most likely half the Roblox population - I think Holkham Hall should allow Rosie to be accepted into EBR, which for those of you who don't know, is Elite Builders of Roblox, the best Building group on Roblox.

I cannot describe Holkham Hall in words, mainly because it is too beautiful but also because there is just no description that fits in with it all. Instead, I will show off some pictures.

Me playing the Piano
This picture (To my left) shows the grand staircase, with 2 Statues and the Grand Piano. The piano itself is unique, yes many people can make a piano, but with that much detail? Nope! The statues are very creative, doing something only a little amount of people ever think of doing...cutting off the legs to replace with a small podium. The Staircase is marvellous, folded curves, mini steps, rounded edges....flawless.

Here, again, me playing the piano. This time it shows the front door + windows and some columns, plus the upstairs doors. As you can see, the windows allow light in, but in a darker shade. The door isn't super clear, but from that angle does look perfect. The columns (Top Left) are rounded but also square, a mix and match situation it seems. They are a lovely beige color and are placed with accuracy. The pattern round both the bottom and top of the stylish wallpaper is wavy, literally.

To see Holkham Hall, Click Here.
To see Rosie9260's profile, Click Here.


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