
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Which is better: The Ability to Code or C-Frame?

I actually do get a few people ask me in-game whether they should learn to code or CFrame, I usually give them short advice such as "Take the time in your life to learn one, then proceed to learn the other; that way you will be able to manipulate both abilities", but in this case, which should you learn first? I'm going to weigh out the pros and cons of both abilities; then write a conclusion of what I have figured out.

Now, coding is a brilliant ability to conceive, it really does help when you are either contributing or trying to create a game, I personally found coding the easiest to learn first, but many people do not have capacity to learn the more time-consuming and dedication-filled ability first. As I just said, coding takes a huge amount of dedication and time. It took me 1 year to learn scripting fully, however there was many cases of me losing interest in the subject and regaining interest. This is one of many of my bad traits, however many people also endure this awful trait, which would make them need a whole more willpower than the person who doesn't have that trait.
               Coding allows you to manipulate objects and scripts to do simple things like invisibility buttons to rather complicated things such as decompilers. Decompilers are a lot more complicated that invisibility buttons due to the fact of the amount of time and effort that is needed to do it, however it can be accomplished and is very often accomplished by users who have put their mind into the coding world.

The ability to CFrame equips you with the skill to replicate original buildings within the gaming world and it also allows you to build brilliant buildings from scratch. With the ability to CFrame and build it would help you to be able to create real architecture due to your previous experience on ROBLOX, it makes everything a tiny bit more easier.
               Building is also a very easy to learn and a lot less time consuming then scripting is, and you do not have to suffer with the frustration you get if a line of code is breaking your script. However, when you are coding, you can't wait to see the finished result which inspires and encourages you to finish the game a lot quicker.

Throughout all, both abilities are pretty valuable skills to possess, however in conclusion, I would suggest that you learn coding first, above all else. This is because of the encouragement the finished result in your head gives you will inspire you to do better and learn quicker. And like they say, 'there is no game unless there is code', well, they don't say I just say!

Thanks for reading,




  1. Well, I think that C-Framing is better because you can do it in both real life and ROBLOX. Also, it brings out the true design and potential in a building.

    1st Comment

  2. Ah, but who says you can't script in real life? Isn't that all life is? Code?


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