
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Chicken of the Month: January

So, I guess Brighteyes decided to start doing Chickens of the month, which is basically one chicken hat a month with a different theme. For some reason, January's chicken is a camo chicken, and not like, frozen or something (it's winter). Anyways, this chicken was made by TREVOR818730, and it's very nice.

Cotm: January Camo Chicken
"You think the sky is falling huh? Camo chicken is hiding out so the sky will never know where to find him. January's Chicken of the Month."

Appearance: 9/10

This chicken was made by a good friend of mine, TREVOR818730. It is primarily grey, but has blue 'blotches' all over it, which act like blue camo. It really looks nice, and it has a dark blue beak along with a sky blue mohawk type thing. Anyways, the chicken fits nicely on your head, and leaves an open area where the mouth would be that allows other players to see your face, or allows you to wear some other hat to go along with the chicken. All in all, it's a great looking hat, fits nicely, and, well, congrats Trevor.

Price: 10/10

This part of the article will mostly be ranting, but not because of the price. The price is fine, 100 Robux for this good looking chicken, so the price gets a 10/10. That part was simple. But.. I'm just throwing this into the Price section.. It's a "Chicken of the Month," so.. don't you think it should be on sale for, you know, the month? Or maybe a week? Or a few days? NOT JUST ONE DAY. So yeah, Brighteyes takes this amazing chicken, starts Chicken of the months, and put it on sale for a day. Why? Maybe to keep sales low or something? Dunno. Anyways, it's really not the best idea, but ah well. It looks great, and if you got a copy, you got a good hat.


This is a great chicken to start off a hopefully successful hat series of Chickens each month. Hopefully the next one is on sale longer than a day, though. 


1 comment:

  1. I know a cool shirt for this hat.


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