
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dual Hat Review: Earl of the Federation vs Duke of the Federation

Duke of the Federation    V.S.   Earl of the Federation

     Hello readers! TheInnovative here with a Dual Hat review! Today I will be comparing the Duke of the Federation (DotF) and the brand new Earl of the Federation (EotF). I'm not going to be biased because at the time of writing this, I owned both hats. The Duke of the Federation came out on August the 31st, 2013 and the Earl of the Federation came out on February the 16th, 2014. 

     The DotF is a gold crown with rubies in it or whatever gem you want it to be. It is similar to the Lord of the Federation, except the sapphires in the LotF are rubies in the DotF. The EotF is slightly different. The crown itself is silver and contains emeralds (Emerald is in the texture name). The crown itself is the same exact mesh: A royal looking crown, gems around the side, a jewel star on the front which beholds silver stars, and four crescents near the jewel star. Color-wise, it was a good idea to change the gold to silver in the EotF. Gold goes well with blue and red, but silver goes better with green than gold does. Overall, I think the Duke of the Federation wins the competition concerning looks. The gold makes it seem more royal.

Price & Stock:
     The price and stock of the Federation series is quite interesting. In the original Lord of the Federation, the price was 250,000 with a stock of 10. Note that if you take the price, 250,000 and multiply that by the stock, 10, you get 2,500,000 (That will come up again). This made the crown very valuable and profitable, but it took forever to sell due to the price-tag. The DotF was substantially lower, either because the Lord of the Federation took to long to sell or because the rank of "Duke" is lower than "Lord". The DoTF was 100,000 robux and the stock was 25. Again, if you multiply 100,000 by 25, you get 2,500,000. The EotF was even lower. The rank "Earl" is lower than "Duke" and "Lord" thus the price goes even lower than DotF. It sold for 50,000 robux and it's stock was now 50. This of course is more affordable to more people. And once more, if you multiple 50,000 by 50, you again get 2,500,000 showing that the pattern is the price goes lower and has to equal 2,500,000 when you multiply it by the stock. Who has the better and more profitable Price/Stock ratio? DotF is the clear winner here.

Trading/Selling Value: 
     The value of DotF is stable while at the time of making this post, the EotF is not stable at all. That is known as a limited's "Hype". The DotF has a RAP of about 860k which is the second highest RAP of any limited ever, behind the Domino Crown. The demand for DotF isn't that high but it is still a rare and expensive limited. According to LMaD's whacky values, its trading value is around 2,600,000. EotF is a bit unstable, but I can say the demand is pretty good right now and it's current RAP is about 160,000. LMaD's whacky values are not clear on this one as it is being fought upon at the moment, but it's most likely around the range of 400k-700k. Some say this crown will raise to around 1,000,000 after a few months and stabilize there. Of course, DotF has the better value, and wins this round.

Overall Value:
     The overall value of the two crowns is pretty good in my opinion. The DotF makes you perceived by the public like a royal and the crown is very profitable and expensive. The EotF makes for lots of neat clothing and hat combinations and is still pretty profitable considering the starting price is quite lower than what it's trading and selling for. It isn't nearly as expensive as the DotF though. Both crowns are very neat to have. I personally like having crowns as it just gives you that feel of "I em da mastur of da univurse!11!1!!!" If you have the money to get both, DotF is the overall winner.

Thank you for reading this Double Hat Review! If you would like to check out the hats, the links are here:

Click one!


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