
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Roblox News Updates

Hello Employees,

I have not made a post in some time, and there has been a lot of changes here at Roblox News. Firstly, I would like to welcome all the new employees, congratulations on being selected to be part of the Roblox News team. I am writing this article to inform of you some upcoming changes and things you must follow when writing articles.

In the next few days Roblox News might experience some issues with the website, as we are in the process of transferring our domain from GoDaddy to Namecheap. If you do have questions/inquiries about our domain please email us at

I would also like all staff to use <!--more--> (when editing in HTML mode) after their introductory paragraph in their articles so that the full article is not displayed on the front page. This is to reduce the load time of our website and at the same time, to display more than 3 posts on the front page.

If you are not editing your article in the HTML mode please use the jump break icon to separate the article.

Also in your introductory paragraph, keep the number of images to a maximum of one. Any embedded videos, streams or forms should be below the Jump Break. If you are going to be streaming, please tweet me ahead of time so that I can put the stream up on our front page.

If you have any questions, you can leave a comment here, tweet me, or send me an email at Have a wonderful day!

Site Manager & Admin

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