
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Trade Hangout 2.0 Place Showcase

It's here. The long awaited sequel to the insanely popular, BC exclusive, game, Trade Hangout. This update gives us a whole new map, as well as an entirely new limited item system.

As some of you may know, creator Merely is a limited item hoarder, as well as an efficient scripter.He interned at ROBLOX during the summer of 2013. He is the creator of multiple Google Chrome plug-ins, as well as the outfit feature on the site. Not to mention, he also scripted his own gear! Overall, he is an important asset to ROBLOX, and if I were to name all of his accomplishments, I'd be here for a while writing, and you'd be here a while reading. So, without further ado, let's take a look at the game!

First impression: small! Compared to Trade Hangout, 2.0 has a smaller, tighter design. Now, don't get me wrong, I like the new design. I just hope there's more to come than 3 buildings! Essentially, there are 5 specific ares. I'll take a look at each one, as well as give my input of the designs! But before I do that, let's talk about the RAP system. If you take a look at the picture, you can see it's much more efficient. You see a variety of things. You see the player's name, their RAP, the items they have, and that item's RAP nicely displayed next to it. I like this system more than the old one. It's a sleek design! (Side note, if you look at the chat, user coolgamerxx is "TOUCHING MERELY")

Onto the areas in the game. The courtyard features a statue on top of a fountain that spews bubbles from a jar in its hand. Surrounding the fountain is a nice green pasture with 4 tables for player to player interactions. The pool is a place for you to chillax and take a dive into the sparkling waters. Sit down under an umbrella, or belly flop in from the diving board! Just be careful. I don't want anyone drowning! Walk into the cafe and you'll feel like you're at home. Sit by the fire, enjoy a drink, and relax in the lounge while making trades. A fine example of simplicity being the best. To the right of the cafe is what seems to be a brick (house?) building. It's grime green in color, and I don't know the use for this. I do like the design. Maybe it will just be another hangout zone? Finally, a red building. Unless you use some teamwork, you can't enter it (as of the date of this post), but it looks like it's going to be another hangout zone. With each one being different, you can bet Merely will add a unique twist to each one! Overall, I can't wait to see the finished design!

While the game isn't 100% finished (more like 85%), I enjoy the scenery. It's amazing the scripts are astounding. They're amazing, and I know that I couldn't do anything like that! Something I found funny was that during my visit, Merely actually joined the server. Once he was in, the fan birds FLOCKED! He couldn't get out in time! But that's all for now. Thanks for reading! Until next time, enjoy yourself!


Hello Merely!
RIP Merely

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