
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Moment with Steven1411, Travel Creator

"Hello, how are you doing today?" I ask Steven. He responds after a few seconds: "Great. I suppose we'll begin?"

Steven1411 is an exhilarating example of evolution. Having joined ROBLOX in March of 2011, he has accomplished a lot: creating, maintaining, and building aircraft and airports and even some aviation groups. Recently though, it's been more about the travel than the particular sector he once specialized exclusively in. We're in a room with no doors, the room is dark with a single light. At one end of the table is myself. At the other end, no more than 20 studs away is Steven1411. Steven is wearing a 3.0 body - a suit. I get straight to the point. What follows is an in depth interview with Steven1411, an outstanding example of a ROBLOX aviation creator. Throughout the interview, he remarks to why aviation


Player Points and Clan Points: The Issues

Player Points can be now seen on your profile.
Notice: Please observe that this article was written 4/28/14, since then, some updates have been made to Player Points.

Player Points and Clan Points are among the most recent updates to the ROBLOX site and platform. At first, the idea shined with a sort of potential - but the more that users like myself hear about the feature, the more we see this as being another failed project, a fad. At best, it could go the way of BC games, used solely for the abuse of making more TIX and out-casting the Non-BC members of ROBLOX from your game. The sad thing is: that for such an idea that may actually benefit the ROBLOX platform and game, this feature is already in it's death state. It is more than certainly on it's death bed, and the potential for it is slowly diminishing in value and interest. It's almost destine to reach a natural death, and here's why.


Friday, April 25, 2014

Leaderboards - What Are They?

Hello everyone! CYNICALCHRIS here and today I'm bringing you, yet another, site update! This time, it's something called "Leaderboards". So, let's take a look at what this thing is!

Gear Friday Review: Easter Bunnies and Chickens

Happy Easter everybody! This week's gears were for the season of Easter. Although... I have no idea what chickens have to do with Easter (but Easter bunny gears are acceptable of course).
Update: I am told that CHICKENS LAY EGGS. Why didn't I think of that? I'm stupid. Wow. I am ashamed. Anyways, moving on to the gears.

This week we got 3, Wild Bunny Horde Attack, Bunneh Blade, and Crazy Chicken Bow. None of these were limited, and the two bunny items went off sale on Easter (4/20), and the chicken gear went off sale on the 21st. Anyways, time for the review.


Monday, April 21, 2014

Winners of the 2014 RN Egg Contest!

As we step ever nearer to the completion and launch of the RN Egg Hunt 2014, the anticipation for the event grows! We will be revealing more and more about the hunt over the coming days, but what we can tell you now is who won our retexturing contest we have held over the last month! There were a number of fantastic entries this year and we believe the competition has been far tighter this year. It was a hard decision choosing the winning three entries, but we also have a number of runner-ups who may or may not feature in the hunt depending on development timings and the demands of the hunters!


The 2014 ROBLOX Egg Hunt - Full Review

Hello everyone! CYNICALCHRIS here with a new game review! This time, I'll be taking a look at the Official ROBLOX Egg Hunt for 2014! This is just me going over the event, as well as imputing my personal experiences with it!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Chicken of the Month: April

Royal Fabergé Egg
Time for CotM number 4! I really like this one, it was made by Gondwana and resembles the Royal Fabergé Egg from last year's egg hunt, which was made by nintendocpu. 

The Fab from last year is probably my favorite fab in last year's hunt, it's purple with yellow lines on it to make it look.. er, royal.

Enough with the Fabergé, this post is all about the CotM, which is a great chicken, but not the best so far (nothing has beaten the January Chicken so far, that one was great (ily TREVOR818730)).


Friday, April 18, 2014

The Last Survivor: A Tale Based on Murder Mystery

Hello guys, this article is just a story I wrote in 10 minutes or so based on the game Murder Mystery. I just wanted to write a horror-type story and enjoy Roblox so just mixed the two. It probably isn't that amazing nor that long, but as I said, it took only 10 minutes or so.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Player Points - What Are They?

Hello everyone! CYNICALCHRIS here, and today I am going to bring you something new, at least, new for me. It's a site update, I guess. User DarkGenex posted a tweet saying "I got a player point!" then a link to his profile. As you can see, under his picture, there is something new! It's a star and says "Player Points" with a value next to it. What could this mean?


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Egg Baskets: Part Two!

Right before the Egg Hunt was released, ROBLOX created another set of egg baskets; this set being more expensive than the previous set, which makes all of them risky purchases. Here are the predictions for the final three egg baskets.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Gear Review - Egg hunt 2014 Gears

With another year of eggs everywhere, we get the fair share of helping hands presented to us in the catalog, so today I will talk about the 2014 Egg Hunt gears, are they worth it? Or are they a waste of robux? Find out with me, IceFang, right now :)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Most Bought Gears of All Time

Hello guys, I know that I rarely do articles now. I have just been busy; pretty lame excuse I guess. Well anyhow, just going to do this article about the most popular gears of the different categories. I am only counting those gears with over 100,000 buys.


Friday, April 11, 2014

ROBLOX Egg Hunt 2014: Save the Eggverse ~ Guide

THE TIME HAS COME! The Egg Hunt is finally out! Aren't you guys so excited? Well if you decide to read this before you play, sorry, but your excitement will go away soon. The egg hunt is not great. What shall I start with? The Eggs? The Maps? The Gears? Anyways, if you need help finding a secret area in a map, or tips to find eggs, or if you're wondering whether or not to buy a gear, this is the article for you.

To search for a specific egg, use CTRL + F and then search the egg name.

The Map

Alright, the starting map of the universe is a giant terrain egg with others situated in the air around it. The spawn area has portals on it and Easter island statues around the portals. Each portal requires each egg from the past map (excluding Fabergés) to use it and go into that map. Around the main terrain egg are different eggs that are also used as "egg universes". There are 5 different places, each with their own eggs.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Singity Singity Song Gears

Last week's gears and the gears before won't be mentioned here because I was busy and didn't get a chance to write articles for them, so I'll just be starting back off from this week.

Yes, I know. Nobody cares about these. Egg hunt is coming, all you want is egg hunt posts. Well, as arbirator holds a knife to my back, I am writing this to actually get back in the mood of, well, writing regular posts now that I've been away from the site doing stuff. This post is late because of the egg hunt and I've been busy.

So apparently the gears this week are using audio even though audio has been out for years and I don't see why it's just in use now for song gears, although It's apparently music weekend or some random thing like usual. 4 gears were released, none were limited which doesn't really surprise me. They all use songs and stuff and are actually pretty stupid. The gears include the Red Rock Star Guitar, Music Blaster, The Drop, and Sleepy Song Bird. Also, like the past few weeks, these gears were created by scripter, Luckymaxer.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Egg Baskets: The New Halloween Gifts?

In the days approaching up to ROBLOX Egg Hunt 2014, some new egg basket gears have been released. Though, these are not just regular egg baskets like in previous years where the basket would give you some sort of in game benefit. These baskets are more like the Halloween gifts released every October; they're gifts in the sense that each one will give you an unknown item, but like Halloween gifts you must BUY every one. Now while I'm not too pleased that now there are three types of gifts, these new gifts/baskets are all like previous gifts and can be predicted as to what's in each one. Without further ado, here are the predictions for the previous four baskets. (note that theories have arisen that the baskets might not be like gifts and that they could just be powerup items for the egg hunt, for now we'll assume they are gifts until something happens with one of them)

Cool Egg Basket of Spring
Cool Egg Basket of Spring

Monday, April 7, 2014

Admin Week

Go admins!

Hello readers, RayMan36 here with the biggest pun-fest on roblox. I'm talking about the Admin weekend items.
You might ask, why am I so late on this? The reason is because Roblox just finished it up with an item from this musical themed weekend. (I might write a post on that later).
I'll be ordering these by worst to best items.


Sunday, April 6, 2014

ROBLOX Egghunt 2014: What to expect II

Alrighty, now that April Fools and me being inactive and stuff is over, it's time to get into some more serious business. A few weeks ago, I posted this article going over some Egg Hunt related things. That was a few weeks ago. NOW, there are leaks. Yes, leaks. Leaks are things found when users use scripts to find meshes/textures of items that ROBLOX uploads, there's tons of them that are Egg Hunt related. Of course, I won't spoil too much on here, because some people like to be surprised.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Rival Egg Hunts: The Three Hunts of ROBLOXia

Hello everyone! CYNICALCHRIS here, and today, I thought I would write a little post about the upcoming Egg Hunts for 2014. These include my personal Egg Hunt, the official Roblox News egg hunt, and the Official ROBLOX Egg Hunt! Let's begin!