
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Most Bought Gears of All Time

Hello guys, I know that I rarely do articles now. I have just been busy; pretty lame excuse I guess. Well anyhow, just going to do this article about the most popular gears of the different categories. I am only counting those gears with over 100,000 buys.



Melee Weaponry;


Rental: 1 Week
Cost: 35Rs
No. Buys: 128,452
Creation Date: 5th June 2009
Last Year Updated: 2010
No. Favorites: 14,536
Genre: Medieval
Description: Favored sword of the McBlox clan.


Ronin Katana:-

Rental:2 Weeks
No. Buys:118,840
Creation Date:23rd June 2009
Last Year Updated:2010
No. Favorites:11,981
Description:A ronin in a samurai with no lord or master. These desperate men often become honorless swords for hire.


Ranged Weaponry;

Silver Ninja Star of the Brilliant Light:-

Rental:1 Week
No. Buys:497,753
Creation Date:3rd June 2009
Last Year Updated:2010
No. Favorites:35,600
Description:In a light that casts no shadow,across a barren plain that affords no shade, range swift figures in immaculate flowing robes. 



Fuse Bomb:-

Rental:3 Days
Cost: 30Rs 
No. Buys:132,508
Creation Date:8th June 2009
Last Year Updated:2010
No. Favorites: 11,801
Description:Someone set up the bomb! Make your time.


Navigational Enhancers;

Gravity Coil:-

No. Buys:196,530
Creation Date:8th October 2009
Last Year Updated:2013
No. Favorites:40,958
Description:Equipping this item cancels 75% of gravity's effect on your character. This allows you to jump extra high, or to fall like a feather from great heights. 


Social Items;

Decoy Deploy:-

No. Buys:146,945
Creation Date:9th July 2010
Last Year Updated:2013
No. Favorites:23,222
Genre:Town and City
Description:Makes a copy of the best thing ever - you!


Personal Transport, Building Tools, Power Ups, Musical Instruments = No Gears over 100,000 Buys


Thank you guys for reading! I know the article isn't that amazing, but it is quite easy for me to do and takes less time than some articles I have done, time that I don't have much of now. basically, this article just gives you a heads-up on the most bought gears on Roblox!



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