
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Developing a Successful Game - Tips and Tricks to Help You - Part III

Hello readers! CYNICALCHRIS here, and this articles is going to be all about how an average user, such as yourself, can become famous, and rich, through game development. I don't want to sound "cocky" when I say this, so you must understand that these tips are coming from ACTUAL successful game developers...

When reading this, keep in mind that following these steps will (most likely) not bring you over-night success. You (should) work for the fame you will receive. Do you really want to be the next jaredvaldez? I chose the following people to be interviewed because they were able to reap the benefits of developing their own game.

Today, I'll be talking with ScriptOn creator of Grand Mall of Robloxia and a variety of other well-known games.

Background Info
ScriptOn's most successful game is Paintball which has over 1,000,000 place visits when this post was written. Just playing his games immerses you in a 3-D world full of wonders and beautiful sights! He is also a member of RBXDev, a wiki writer, and he is a frequent streamer, showing off his work on upcoming games of his!

Question Time

Q: When did you join ROBLOX?

A: I joined roblox on September 5th, 2008

Q: Do you have any specific "rituals" you do when building (i.e. listneing to music, drinking a certain drink, etc.)?
A: I ALWAYS listen to music, and I love to livestream while building, it forces me to be on task and get more done

Q: What/Who inspired you to become a Game Developer?
A: Nothing really inspired me to be a game developer, I just loved the feeling of having thousands of people playing what I've done, and enjoying it.

Q: In your opinion, what's more important? A clever game title, or a clever game picture?
A: A clever game title is more important because all a game picture needs is some bright colors to stand out.

Q: What tips would you give to the average player that wants to be successful?
A: If you want to be a successful game developer you need three things.
     a) Scripting knowledge
     b) Some minor ability to build, at least
     c) Time

Q: What do you feel is more important? Building, or Scripting? Why?
A: Scripting is more important because it keeps the game flowing smoothly. Would you rather play an ugly game thats fun, or just stare at a broken pretty game?


  1. Dude seriously? This isn't really a review if you just go by overall standards.

  2. I wasn't here when the egg hunt started so i missed it D:

  3. I love hunger games catching fire!!!!



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