
Friday, May 2, 2014

Should ROBLOX introduce Play-in-Browser?

ROBLOX has hit a point of growth where the gamersphere of people in this community now have seen the light of the game ROBLOX. However, with an increasing number of innovative in-browser operating systems, including the Chromebook [which I am actually using right now for the first time while writing this], and operating systems that are mobile-esque and mobile-based, such as the new Computer-Modified Android OS that will be used on HP's upcoming and exciting new "Slatebook", are starting to create a new market for computers. Even though the OS usage across companies is still extremely segmented, the amassing number of tablets and browser-exclusive Operating Systems is eventually going to start making a huge market for itself.
hp slatebook 14 android
The new Android-based "Slatebook" should be releasing this
upcoming month. [Courtesy: HP]
So, should ROBLOX - in anticipation for the change of wind in unique and interesting operating systems such as Android for PC, Chromebook, and more create a browser-based version of ROBLOX?

The short answer: yes.
The long answer: by the end of this year.

Android has - for awhile - been the operating system most subscribed to by users. This is mostly because Android is a broad operating system that is open-source. This means that any company can create a smartphone, tablet, PC or wearable using the Android platform. Unlike Apple, the flexibility of the Android platform gives it an unbound sandbox: you can do anything with an Android. 

Chromebook has also recently proven to be a rather immune device. From what has been reported, Chromebooks can almost have an immunity to every modern virus. This may be part of the reason why Chromebooks are suddenly selling. HP, who is presently the biggest seller of Chromebooks, are selling two kinds of Chromebooks right now for a value multiple times less than most PCs and Macs. Education institutions, companies, and more kinds of people are picking up Chromebooks because it supports Google Apps, an easy and simple interface with an ease to update, control, and monitor their arsenal of internet-connected devices. Why would they not? It's competitive price and quality makes it an ideal candidate for anyone who just does web browsing? 

So getting to the point is that as Chromebooks and Android PCs become increasingly more used by the general market, ROBLOX will be unable to get this market to play ROBLOX without an application for the Chrome Web Store & Android Play Store. Their only choice will be to begin on a low-latency, responsive, game interface for browsers.

Not only will this help Chromebooks and Androids, but i'm more than certain that users from all operating systems would adopt this. This idea hasn't been extremely proposed yet, but the idea is essential to keeping ROBLOX cross-platform... and many would say that ROBLOX needs to focus on porting to Linux and other Operating Systems. I would totally agree with them, but ROBLOX now has the proper assets and developers to create a PC, mobile, - and now - Chromebook/Android-based experience. Why would they not make the decision of getting ahead of the market by putting in place a feature that now can benefit all operating systems, and operating systems that will likely explode in markets.


  1. The basic concept on PPs is good. But the 'Buy to Receive PPs'' is unfair. If they could change it so that an individual had to play games to earn PPs

  2. OK just to clear this up those players are either able to award that many points or the stole the points from a have via exploit.

    -RBXDEV Member


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