
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Duck Hunt '14

Feast your eyes on the Roblox News Duck Hunt 2014, it's going to be - amazing!

Some people may be informed of the Roblox News Duck Hunt, some people may not. For those who haven't been informed, it is a annual event we host, alike the Egg Hunt - but this is about ducks. You can check out the Duck Hunt by clicking here.

This year it is based around Star Wars, so get your Jedi (or sith) robes on and go find some ducks! Some are hidden in certain places which they do not leave - not even when obtained. And some, well some are so rare you really don't even stand a chance!

The game uses an easy-to-use Galaxy Map system, much like the one seen in Star Wars: The Old Republic. It features planets of such and makes navigation with universes a lot more fun than most navigational systems!

Duck Hunt '14 also makes use of a currency system, called 'Duck Coins' or 'DCs' for short. They can be bought with developer products, and used for upgrades such as speed increases. This overall makes the game's experience a whole lot better!
The coins that you obtain during the Duck Hunt usually vary between 1 and 30 coins. This makes them a lot easier to acquire and allows the experience of the game to boost the morale of the player.

The Duck Hunt is open to all at the moment, which I also require suggestions for Ducks, Planets, and just general ideas that will improve the Ducky experience and make it one of the most exciting hunts that Roblox has to offer!

Thanks for reading!

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