
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Labor Day Weekend Sale: Day 4

Day 4 was perhaps the most pivotal day of the entire sale: it was actually Labor Day! On this day we saw a number of new hats and gear items, and a couple of limiteds. Whilst it wasn't the most exciting selection, it was still a fine way to end the four-day long holiday sale. Unfortunately there weren't many discounted items - but most of those were added at the weekend so that users had the most time possible to purchase them. The new items themselves weren't fantastic, but they served a purpose. Let's get into the summary!

Cone of ShameCone of Shame
Price: R$250
Collectable: No
Recommendation: This hat is huge, you have been warned. The texture looks pretty great and it is an inventive item, but the oversized nature of the hat ruins it for me. Huge items do have a sense of novelty, but aren't usually worth their price tags because they are worn once. If you have the money to spare, go ahead, but you probably won't wear it much.

Fashion PoliceFashion Police 
Price: R$50
Collectable: No 
Recommendation: This is just your run of the mill average hat and I would say it is worth its modest price tag. It has a nice texture and shape, and interesting looking train driver-esce look. It sort of looks like a police cap, so there's that too.

Darksteel Katana of Ancient IlluminatorsDarksteel Katana of Ancient Illuminato
Price: Originally R$1,000. Trending at R$1,000
Collectable: Limited
Recommendation: A great looking katana gear item that won't make you a lot of profit. It features an excellent texture and mesh, and some cool in-game abilities that overpower a number of swords in its class, but for its price you could get something a lot more powerful - and potentially useful. If you are a collector of Katanas and other Japanese (and darksteel) items, this will look fine in your humble collection. Just don't expect to make money out of this anytime soon if you are a new buyer; far too many copies have been sold.

Bacon LauncherBacon Launcher
Price: R$250
Collectable: No
Recommendation: This a neat gear with a cool mesh and texture. It does exactly what it says on the tin and throws strips of bacon at your enemies and has a speedy reload. I'm not quite sure if the weapon itself does damage to other ROBLOXians, so post in the comments below if you know the answer, because it didn't seem to when I tested it. For R$250, this is a cheap item compared to other modern gear released over the last two years. Although with its limited use, I would pay no more for this item.

Foul Poison FowlFoul Poison Fowl 
Price: R$500
Collectable: No
Recommendation: This is basically just a recoloured version of the original Phoenix and Arctic Fowl gear items. It has exactly the same ability, firing green projectiles instead of orange or blue and deals the exact same damage. So if you are looking for an emerald looking ROBLOX pet to watch your back, and don't currently own a phoenix/fowl, then this will be a good buy. If you already own the previous versions of this gear there is very little reason to purchase this as it is the exact same price. Collectors feel free to purchase it. 

Jade WarriorJade Warrior
Price: Originally R$100. Trending at R$160-200
Collectable: Limited U 
Recommendation: This is a fantastic looking hat that manages to pull off the low-polygon style perfectly. It looks great on your character and fits in well with medieval and fantasy settings. There was a little backlash due to the ponytail, but I actually think its a great feature of the hat and reminds me of Lord of the Rings style elves and can easily be worn by male players. Whilst it is not a good investment due to the amount in circulation, it is a great cheap helmet to buy and is making profit off its original price. I would recommend wearing this item instead of trying to make money out of it if you are a new owner.

Katrina Scarlett HairKatrina Scarlett Hair 
Price: R$150
Collectable: No
Recommendation: This is another recolour, this time of a hairpiece item that was released a few weeks ago. As you can quite clearly see it resembles the style and vivid colour of an anime character and would be a good purchase for anyone intending to replicate this look and stand out from the crowd. It is the same price as its original version so it's down to colour preference and style as to which you purchase.   

Mad CowMad Cow
Price: Sale price R$2222. Now R$3333
Collectable: No
Recommendation: N/a: published after sale ended. You might still want to buy it at its regular price; it is uncommon in sales.

Fallen Artemis Bow

Fallen Artemis Bow
Price: Sale price R$1500. Now R$2500
Collectable: No
Recommendation: N/a: published after sale ended. This will undoubtedly go on sale again, so you might want to wait until November (Black Friday) in order to snag this it a discounted price. 

Thanks for reading this four-part series on the Labor Day Weekend Sale 2014. Be sure to check back for interviews with catalog enthusiasts about how they felt about this year's Labor sale. 

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