
Monday, July 20, 2015

Developer Interview: Legoseed

Hello my beautiful readers and welcome to an interview I had with Legoseed. Today I'll be asking him mostly about his newest game World Expedition which was recently featured on Roblox News! To date his game has exceeded 400,000 visits with a 94% thumbs up rate! 

1. What first inspired you to build World Expedition?

It was definitely fueled by my love for travel and exploring! It's so expensive to travel far, and I wanted to capture some of the experience and make it available right from your home!

2. Out of everything you've made on World Expedition, what has been your favourite build?

My favorite build so far is probably the Taj Mahal! It was such fun to build, and I'm so happy with how the outcome turned out!

3. Did you ever expect so many people to begin playing it? What was your reaction to this?

Not at all! I initially started this as a fun little side project, and was thrilled to see it on the front page a few weeks later! It's been an awesome experience, I hope that soon I'll be able to DevEx too!

4. How long do you spend on each country on average before you think it's good enough to release? 

Usually about a month or so per country! I usually feel about half a dozen buildings is when a country is big enough to release! 

5. What is your favourite country/city in the world and why?

Oh boy, tough question! I have so many favorites. Right now it's probably Tokyo, Japan! I love the culture and architecture of Tokyo. 

6. Do you intend on adding anymore gameplay to the countries or is it only to explore? (Gameplay meaning minigames, quests, money earning, etc)

I've been racking my brain trying to think of ways to make the game more fun! I'm at a loss now, but I'll continue thinking of minigames and such to add!

7. Do you have any ideas for gamepasses or developer products? 

I've thought about making certain activities in-game a paid feature, but I don't know if it would make the players mad! Hahaha

8. Do you have any other game ideas? Or are you completely focused on World Expedition?

I do! I've thought about making just a roadtrip simulator down the road (no pun intended...) after finishing World Expedition. 

9. At what point will World Expedition be complete? Do you have a set number of countries you want to build before you feel like it's enough?

Hmmm, I probably won't feel it's complete until I've built every major country in the world! It's going to be a long process but hopefully it'll be worth it! 

10. What's your favourite Roblox game and why?

Hmmm, that would have to be Natural Disaster Survival by stickmasterluke! I love the action gameplay, and it's always a nice feeling when surviving events haha!

11. Do you know any other languages?

I know conversational level French, and small bits of Japanese, Russian, Vietnamese, and Spanish!

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