
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Roblox Scripting Tutorial 6: Functions

Merry Christmas Roblox News readers! Here is a gift from me to you! In this tutorial we cover functions! If you have any questions feel free to comment or send me a message on Roblox and I will get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks for watching! Have a happy new year!


Monday, November 16, 2015

Roblox Scripting Tutorial 5: Built In Functions

Do you like listening to people with colds trying to explain built in functions to you? Well you've come to the right place! Sorry about the sniffing... I hope this video is great help to you! Enjoy!


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Game Review: Halloween Zombie Strike

It's that time of the year again! Well, it was that time of the year two weeks ago at least. The annual Roblox Halloween Event! Every year the Halloween event is highly anticipated, and rightly so! In the past we've had great events, I've got fond memories of 2009's paintball and treasure hunt (Yes, two games!) while newer members might have fond memories of 2013's The Witching Hour. With this year's event being made by popular users Davidii, creator of 'Survival 404' and 'Heroes!' and Quenty, creator of 'Whatever Floats Your Boat' hopes were high that this would be another event to remember! But was it? Keep reading to find out!


Friday, November 6, 2015

Possible New Walking Animation Incoming

Hello my readers! Our lord and saviour Builderman has recently tweeted a very interesting video! The video shows a robloxian traversing terrain in a much more realistic way than what we're used to as blocky humanoids. The tweet in question can be found here!

Like most big changes made to Roblox these days I'm guessing this will cause a fair amount of debate in the community, some may appreciate the change where some might be happy with the way it is now. Need I remind you the backlash Roblox experienced during 2010 when introducing the Robloxian 2.0 body?

Replies to Builderman's tweet have been mostly positive, with popular user Polyhex (Creator of Super Bomb Survival) replying with "This is so exciting!!!". However at the same time the Youtube video has a 34% downvote rating (well, 34.02061856%) at the time of writing which isn't awful but isn't great either.

Remember! This is only beta footage and might end up being completely different or it might never happen! Have you guys seen the footage? What do you think about it? Leave a comment telling us your thoughts!

- Rudolph101

Friday, September 18, 2015

Game Review: Strife! [Alpha]

Hello, My name is AzculPlaysRoblox. It's been a while since i did not make any game reviews after i've joined here at Roblox News. I've been busy from outside world. Sorry for about that. So now we will be reviewing "Strife! [Alpha]" a game made by Fenrier and was inspired by the original game.


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Roblox Scripting Tutorial 4: Loops

Good day to you my friends! I've just uploaded the next episode in my scripting tutorial series! In this episode I cover how to use loops in your games! The loops covered in this episode are for loops, while loops and repeat loops! I hope this tutorial is helpful to you all! 


Thursday, August 20, 2015


Greetings All;

I am xLando, head of game journalism for Roblox News, after my brief depression hiatus (I have some problems at home, and such.) I am back, and would like to talk for a brief moment.

First off, I would like to thank Rudolph101, (Daniel). Dan, when I hired you I knew you would do great, I never knew how great you would be, you have kept writing day after day, and for such I thank you deeply.

Next, I am going to try to get back into the swing of things, publishing and creating various reviews, and other sorts of articles, 

Remember, we are hiring journalists, so please PM me if you are interested. 

xLando, signing out for now.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Too Many Visits: Boys And Girls Hangout


Hello friends, in this segment called "Too Many Visits" we look at games that simply don't deserve the fame it's got. Today's game is Boys and Girls Hangout made by Dark1020. To date this game has accumulated over 10 million visits with roughly 1 dislike per 3.3 likes and 61,000 favourites. Do I think this game deserves those statistics? Of course not! That's crazy! This game it absolutely awful.


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Roblox News Duck Hunt '15

It's finally begun production, a brand new Roblox News Duck Hunt, made by you and me. Anyone can join to help. All you have to do is personal message RNDuckHunt on Roblox.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Game Review: Find the Dancing Bananas


Hello, I'm Rudolph101 and today I'll be reading Find the Dancing Bananas by Planet3arth! I didn't go to this game with high expectations. I only played it because as usual, nothing else on the front page really appealed to me that much. That's a shocker right? I found this low down in the games page, like, really far down. I predicted I'd be on this game for a maximum of two minutes, however for once, I was wrong. Searching a map to find dancing fruit turned out to be pretty enjoyable.

It by no means changed my life, I didn't have a different outlook on reality after playing it, I still do not believe in the banana lord, nor do I find myself daydreaming about dancing fruit but it did give me an enjoyable hour or two.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Learn How To Script!

Hello! Have you ever wanted to learn how to script on Roblox? My new tutorials are here to help you do just that! New videos are updated weekly each with their own lesson! There are currently 3 uploaded which teach you how to print, wait, change the properties of bricks and use 'If' statements! Eventually these tutorials will get more in depth where I will teach you how to make GUIs, quest systems and shops! So stay tuned! 

If you have any questions or requests feel free to comment either here or on the video! Thank you!


Monday, July 20, 2015

Developer Interview: Legoseed

Hello my beautiful readers and welcome to an interview I had with Legoseed. Today I'll be asking him mostly about his newest game World Expedition which was recently featured on Roblox News! To date his game has exceeded 400,000 visits with a 94% thumbs up rate! 


Saturday, July 18, 2015

Beta Check This Out: Super ROBLOX 64 Adventure

Welcome to another edition of 'Beta Check This Out' where I preview a promising games in their beta stages which are not currently ready to be reviewed. Due to the sad recent passing of the president of Nintendo, the amazing Satoru Iwata, I thought I'd check out a Nintendo based ROBLOX game! As a result I've chosen to show off PatrickBlox's and Partcline's Super ROBLOX 64 Adventure which is obviously inspired by the Nintendo 64 classic, Super Mario 64, but how does it compare to the original?

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Too Many Visits: Canoe Without a Paddle!


    Hello my fellow readers, in this segment called "Too Many Visits" we will look at games that simply don't deserve the fame it got. Canoe Without a Paddle! by smokenchicken is a good example of this. Over its 6 long years of activity the game has raked up over 6 million visits. Before you all start shouting at me "Rudolph! This game is 6 years old! Give it a rest!", the game was updated in May so that's no excuse. Anyway let's begin our in depth look.


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Beta Check This Out: World Expedition


Beta Check This Out is a new segment where I will be previewing games in their beta stages not yet ready to be reviewed. Today we are going to be looking at Legoseed's World Expedition! This is a game where you can explore the world! With a range of countries to explore including Ireland, China and Mexico! In this preview I'll be showing off two countries and telling you why you should be as excited for this game as I am!


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Game Review: Speed Run 4

Most of us have played a Speed Run game on ROBLOX. These games involve running at high speeds across many levels jumping from platform to platform without falling off. Speed Run 4 made by Vurse is by far the most popular with hundreds of players playing at any one time during the day. But is Speed Run 4 actually worth playing? 


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Game Journalism Applications.

Hello there! My name is xLando, head of game journalism for Roblox News!

Recently, Arbirator has been away and we have been fading into inactivity. No more, for Zakkeh and I are re-growing Roblox News from the ground up. Now, in doing so I will be taking applications for game journalism. Below is my first ever article, which I made to get into Roblox News. We are taking Game Journalist applications, so here is how to send me one. E-Mail me at:, and send me the following:

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Choose an Event

Duck Hunt '14 Hub [50%]_ImageOne once said the RN Egg Hunt would be here, it seems it never turned up. My job now is I'm going to ask you what event you would like to see us hold here at Roblox News. We could hold an Egg Hunt, our Duck Hunt, or even a new event. I'm giving all the readers the option to choose a new event, or an old one. Please comment your ideas and tell us what you want to see!!

Or-- we could completely forget about the hunting, and make a whole new game, maybe an MMO, or a city-based game, or even something completely random like Marble Ride is. It's you, the fans, choice!



Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bargain of the Week: Robot Beanie

   For the week of 3/22, the Bargain of the Week is the Robot Beanie! This beanie is selling for an outraegously, cheap price of 10 robux.

   As of 3/22, the Robot Beanie had about 4,800 sales and 170 favorites.

   The hat effectively works with many hat combinations. For example, wearing this hat with the Midnight Blue Winter Scarf from the 2014 Winter Games would look really nice, in my opinion.

    The Robot Beanie fits tight to your head, so don't try to put an hair under it.

Keep checking back on Arbirator's Roblox News, the next Bargain of the Week will be released very soon!

Have any suggestions for next week's Bargain of the Week? Tell us in the comments, and your suggestion might be taken into consideration!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Roblox Place/Game review MAD Paintball.

Hello all, my name is xLando.

So, MAD Studios (I made a article on them, link right here) have made another game, a sort of successor  to The Mad Murderer, MAD Paintball. It has all the characters we have come to know and love from TMM, but it's an FPS themed game. A bold new step for loleris, Mad Studios' creator.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

ROBLOX Hat Review: Knight of the Blood Moon

Today we will be reviewing an obtainable hat for all of those NBC members! Read our article below to find out more on this hat!

All you have to do is go to your My Account settings, and verify your email address by 9 AM PDT November 13th! The hat will be rewarded on or after November 17th. Now that you know how to get this hat, let’s review it!

Mesh: 6/10

The mesh is definitely interesting. On the top, there are two horns that personally do not fit in a knight helmet. The mohawk style hair on the top of the actual helmet, makes this hat look like there is a real soldier inside. The part that protects the head is very nicely detailed, with small bumps.

Texture: 4/10

The texture is really dull. Gray/Black/Brown is the whole color pattern. The holes towards the end of the horn are filled in with black. Basically, all of the hat is mostly brown and gray.

Price: 10/10 (Obtainable)

The hat is obtainable to anyone with or without robux and tickets. All you have to do is follow the steps at the top.

Overall: 7/10

I give this hat a rating over 5 because ROBLOX is giving users without a membership an opportunity to get a free hat. However, ROBLOX could do much better with creating a hat that can be used for everyday characters.

Item Description:

This hat will be awarded to active players after Nov. 17, 2014 who have a verified email address by 9 am PDT Nov. 13, 2014.