
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Scuba Shark!


The scuba shark was created and released on the 8/11/2010 and was updated on the 21/04/2011 as it was broken.

Apparently when you bought the hat and wore it, it came out as a postal hat on your head. But now that is all fixed and it is on sale for 120R$.

I like this hat because of the detail on the goggles, the way ROBLOX has designed it to look like you are seeing through a shark’s mouth. I also like the Dorsal fin because it is a great finishing touch; it makes the diver look like it’s the shark!

Scuba Shark

Article wrote by younger sister: aqua88 thought it would be nice to put some of her work on here. So no criticism please!

Game Genre Wars - Pacific Fighters vs Perilous Skies

In this GGW, two of the most advanced and realistic dog fighting games on Roblox will compete against the odds.

Weapons - In both games, your planes have a cannon, but in Perilous Skies, the cannon is not your main weapon. As Pacific Fighters is based in WW2, the planes only have a cannon to kill enemies with as in WW2 the majority of planes did not carry missiles. But in Perilous Skies, the majority of the time, you use missiles to take out your enemy. The lock on system in Perilous Skies is great, but not very accurate or realistic. So, who gets this round? I think the point goes to Perilous Skies.
It's 1-0 to Perilous Skies.

Vehicles - Both games have a similar points system. In PF you unlock planes with experience, and in PS you use points to unlock planes. As I have said, PF is based in WW2 so the planes are old, such as Japanese Zeros etc, and in PS the planes are modern, such as the Euro-Fighter.
To pilot the planes in both games, you use the mouse to direct where you want the plane to go, but in PS you cannot use the right-click on your mouse to look around, as you must turn the plane to look around. Also, in PS you can use boost, but can run out, although it does re-fill. In PF your speed is limited, but you can stay at top speed for as long as you want (If you don't get shot down of course). Who gets this round? I think the point goes to Pacific Fighters.
It's 1-1 to both sides.

GUI and Looks - Now, both games have pretty good GUI. Sure, Perilous skies has all the fancy stuff, and Pacific Fighters has decided to stay with good old basics, both are just as easy to interact with and use. Although, Pacific Fighters edges on a little when it comes to looks. The fact that in Perilous Skies your plane has to but tip the mountains to set on fire, isn't exactly realistic. But in Pacific Fighters, say you fall into the sea, a huge splash appears, which in my opinion is pretty good. Who get's the final round? I think it's a draw.
At the end it's 1-1 to both games. Both of them are great, and fun to play. Express your opinion in the comments.

Click here to play Perilous Skies.
Click here to play Pacific Fighters.


Hello, I'm the new recruit, Viper22!

Hey fellow Roblox News readers, I’m the newest member to the writing brigade of Roblox News! I will soon be posting fresh news stories that might be of interest to you guys, but first, let me give you a brief, yet not so brief, introduction of myself.

I first joined Roblox on the day of April 11th, 2008. From there, I gained a ton of friends and watched the website gradually grow into what it is today. My friends usually drop the “22” and just call me Viper, which doesn’t bother me at all since someone already “name sniped” Viper (which still bothers me to this day! >_<). Aside from that, I have also been popping in and out of the forums for some time now, racking up over 1k posts. If I’m not on the forums, I am most likely building in my places, playing a game that doesn’t look like it’s free modeled, or writing a Travelogue or two for another blog I am loyal to.

I hope my introduction didn’t bore you too much, since I want you, the reader to look forward to my new posts. I will try my best to stay active and answer any questions that you have for me. Have a wonderful day! 


Monday, May 30, 2011

ROBLOX Memorial Day!

Hio. As you probably already know, it's memorial day in America! So to celebrate, I want you guys to send me some awesome veterans retextures! This isn't a contest, I'm just looking to feature some cool retextures here. So, if you want yours featured here, send it to, tweet me it @arbirator, or PM me on ROBLOX.

Shades Retexture Contest Reminder!

As it's getting warmer and drawing towards summer, we need a new unique pair of shades to protect us from that blindening sun. You will only be able to post ONE entry so you better make your entry worthwhile!

How to enter:

Simply create a retexture of any type of shades, and post an e-mail to AND to with your ROBLOX Username and a link to your retexture.

The winning entry shall win a prize, yet to be revealed and a chance to get your hat published.

You'll get 8 days from this date to send your entries to me!


SirChickenNugget and Arbirator

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hello fellow RN fans!

As some of you know, i'm the moderator for RN. Keeping it clean, fun and safe for everyone thats viewing it.

Today i want to hear out what you guys want on the blog. (Except the look)

More staff?
More polls?

You name it! Just send me an Email at, all ideas WILL be sent to Arbirator, and if its a good one, we will make it happen. (Don't forget to check "intresting"!)


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Chat with Staff & Admins

If you wish to chat with admins or staff, Join us on Roblox News X-Fire, when we are on chat room will be open and all members will be invited to join. If you did not get an invite feel free to message me. :)

~ Have questions?
OR Ask me on Twitter
Follow Flingi2 on Twitter

New Gear Review Testing Place!

You can now test each gear that is reviewed in the gear review.

Only the most current gear review will have it's gear in it.

Click HERE to go to it!

Remember to check back to Roblox News everyday this weekend for a gear review!

Gear Review: Ocean Samurai

Hey everyone, it's time for another gear review! Today's review is on the Ocean Samurai.

The sword looks amazing. The sword is an average size sword, not to long and not too short. Your opponent will fear the sharp tip of the blade.

The Samurai works best while zoomed in all the way because of it's size and slash speed. The slash damage is 13. Double click to lunge and put 21 damage on your opponent! The Samurai is a very powerful sword which is why it is limited.

The Samurai was for sale at R$: 150. Check the user prices for a price that is right for you.

Click HERE for the Ocean Samurai!

ALSO, This weekend I will be posting a gear review everyday! In addition I'm working on a place for you to test each gear that is reviewed. You can follow me on twitter (@Bodesjr) for more information on gear reviews and what could be coming in the future.

Memorial Day Weekend on ROBLOX!

This weekend, it's Memorial day, and ROBLOX has released some awesome items, so let's check two of 'em out and see what they're about!

United States of Rock Guitar

All I can say about this, is wow, that's one classy guitar! I personally love the texture, and what's cool about this handy guitar is that it goes on your characters back, and when you use it in-game, you can hear some sweet tunes!

Price: 500R$

Available for only a Limited time.

Merica Airwalker

When I first saw this, I thought, another profitable epic limited item! I think the texture is great, and it's stands out from all the others skateboards with that, and when you use it in-game, you can pull some awesome stunts!

Stock: 2000

Price: Was 200R$ Now selling around the 400R$ mark.


Have a question? Follow me on twitter @Rob498RBLX

Friday, May 27, 2011

Roblox News Xfire

New xfire community that Roblox News will be using to get in touch with everyone. Just request to join saying that you want to join the RN chat, and we will let you join. This group will mostly be for fans and staff to talk to each other and get in contact more easily. I can't really elaborate on this any more and flingi put me up to this on short notice sooooo...


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Notable Robloxians: Miked

I'm sure you've heard of 'em. He's a building genius, renown for his incredibly popular game "Ultimate Paintball." There's a lot that's not shared though.

He began as a modest user, someone who stayed under the radar for the sake of the inability to go above it. He always wanted the fame, but he never seemed to get it. He was sitting on a treasure chest, however. He was incredibly talented in the field of building, but didn't know it. This guy's works never were seen and no one really knew him. He was the first to achieve something great though. Well, he achieved a lot of great things. But the first was the creation of Ultimate Paintball. He loved paintball. He absolutely adored it. It was a love affair, that would become something more. WAY more, public, of course. You see, like most of us, he turned his love for something into a game. Ultimate Paintball. It took a while for it to become popular, as he wasn't a famous person. This went on until, eventually, it made history. Everyone had been counting down to this moment, and DrewsomeB has been dreading it. His place achieved 1,000,000 visits. This was history. A news article was dedicated to it, and when I heard of it, a friend told me, "That's no surprise. We all know that soon enough it's just going to get 2 million."

His next creation was Roblox Museum. This was the very first one, but it wasn't a lot in the making. It was made in 2008, shortly after the game begun. He managed to do something that is unheard of in the writing world, much less the ROBLOXian one. He managed to capture the photo in a foggy field. That's metaphorical of course, I mean, he created this museum of things some people never knew. He gave them a thought of, "Ohhh- I remember that. I didn't expect it to be here," in a way. He gave something without meaning, meaning.


Hiya. I'm new.

I'm Knexer. I'm a new writer for Roblox News here. Some of you may have seen me on YouTube, as my show Roblox Talk is both very popular and sponsored by this blog. (For the record, the first season is over. You won't be seeing any new episodes for a while.) I also work for Briguy's Roblox, another popular fan blog. I've been writing advice articles for Briguy's Roblox, and I was a place reviewer for him for a while. I'm also a renown writer and forumer, and I've collectively been on Roblox for four years, on three accounts. That's enough about me, I'll be covering you from now on. I'll be writing a series of biographical articles based on popular or historic ROBLOXians.



The much anticipated Official ROBLOX Mobile App is finally here!

The ROBLOX Mobile App, now available on the iTunes appstore was developed by the real ROBLOX developers. As some of you may already know, they have had a mobile developer (iOS) working on a ROBLOX App for a little while now. With this App, you can easily access the ROBLOX messaging system, i.e: Private messages and Friend requests. You can check your account balance and see which of your friends are online.

One use I can find for this straight away is the ability to be sitting in your room, checking if your friends are online, you see your best friend Telamon online and you run down the stairs (Not endorsed by ROBLOX News) and jump onto your PC to get gaming with them. So, without further or do download it! It's free! Just search 'ROBLOX Mobile' into the iTunes appstore.


I need places to review

Hello everyone! This is Banjobug. You probably know me from my previous place reviews. Recently I have been receiving no place review requests. I'm unable to review places because there are no review requests. If you would like me to review your place contact me on roblox or on twitter. (On twitter my username is Banjobug as well) Please send requests!

Place Review: Ultimate Digger Tycoon by TREVOR818730

When Trevor first messaged me about a review of this place, I misread it thinking it was and "Ultimate DAGGER Tycoon" Going into it with the mindset that it would be just another war tycoon that wouldn't stand out from the rest of the abundance of the like. I was happily mistaken when I joined a game to find it was DIGGER, which excited my curiosity even more as I had never really heard of any kind of tycoon of the like. As I started out just hiring workers and getting a fast cash flow I began to feel the initial effects of a tycoon game, the boredom of waiting for more money to buy more things, but then I noticed a wonderful little addition to the game that helped me kill around 15 minutes. This addition was an added item in your starter pack that was a Christmas sack gear that when used, gave you a randomized item to play with at your leisure. As you can see from the picture, I received a snowball with which I began to give into my inner "noob" and proceeded to fill the inside of the shop with millions of little snow bricks until the game was lagging so bad that the bricks were suspended in mid-air. As I finished up with that little escapade I began to feel the effects of boredom again, so I proceeded to explore. I then came across a one of a kind situation that no other tycoon has implemented in this manner (there really aren't any other digger tycoons so thats really what makes everything one of a kind :D). This was the dig sites in which you can purchase that allow you to use your shovel tool to dig for treasure in the pits and gain a little bit of extra cash while you wait for more money. After all was said and done and I had completed the entire tycoon, I proceeded to jump on top of the shop and admire all the work I had completed. Overall this was a very worthwhile and well made game that I think many would enjoy.

  • The "Buy Crate" button inside the Roblox HQ did not work for me (as in, I couldn't buy the crates)
  • Make the Treasure chests worth more money when found as to give more incentive for players when they have some down-time.
  • Some of the bricks in the dig sites could not be shoveled for some reason, but I am guessing that is just a scripting error that comes randomly and probably cannot be controlled.
  • The regen button for the dig sites was a great addition!
  • Took me forever to figure out what the crackling of falling bricks was near the shop until I found out that the bricks that judge your profit flow are falling inside the truck :P.
  • Really good aesthetics, and overall looks really nice when the finished product is reached.
  • There still were some spots where I was a bit bored and just left the game running. Try to find some way to increase cash flow, add more cheaper things to buy, or lower the prices of all the objects in the game.
This game in my eyes had a lot of originality and a lot of work put into it. I would have to give it a 9/10 (minus 1 for the long waits, but that was the only thing!). Sorry if this is a really long post, there was just too much to talk about, I didn't even get to all of it (the GUI's are really great to by the way!). Thanks again to Trevor for suggesting me to review this place, and if you are at all interested, visit it here.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, be sure to send them in using the suggestions tab on the blog, or you can message me or any of the other staff members on twitter. Message me @NovaRBLX

List of all the retextures published in the last two weeks

Congratulations to all of the following.
Fun Clown Tie! Comment! *Published*Clown Tie (By zenongreat) zenongreat
Bloxxer CapBloxxer Cap (By Madsony) Madsony
Sir RustalotDuke Of Rustington (By Believable)Believable
Epic Face TieEpic Face Tie (By Twala)Twala
Dragon Slayer (Published)Dragon Slayer Hood (By BLOX31)BLOX31
Umadbro?Umadbro? (By Hansolo996)HanSolo996
"GAME OVER" Skullcap V.2Game Over (By Gkku)gkku
Artist's Tie [[ PUBLISHED ]]Art Tie (By Rob498)Rob498


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

IBarrageI's Pwnsville Entry

This is the video I have entered into the Pwnsville Video Contest

It stars:

IBarrageI as Thug 1

TREVOR818730 as Thug 2

and arbirator as Doctor

Enjoy :D

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Shades Retexture Contest!

As it's getting warmer and drawing towards summer, we need a new unique pair of shades to protect us from that blindening sun. You will only be able to post ONE entry so you better make your entry worthwhile!

How to enter:

Simply create a retexture of any type of shades, and post an e-mail to AND to with your ROBLOX Username and a link to your retexture.

The winning entry shall win a prize, yet to be revealed and a chance to get your hat published.

You'll get 14 days from this date to send your entries to me!


SirChickenNugget and Arbirator

This contest is sponsored by SirChickenNugget

Roblox Talk with Knexer! Prinplup14

So, here is another episode of Knexer's chat show:

You can watch all the episodes on his channel: Knexerful

Monday, May 23, 2011

Twala's Epic Face tie Retexture published!

Yesterday ROBLOX welcomed a new addition to the tie collections with the "Epic Face Tie"!

This tie was retextured by the user Twala, and was picked out of a good few Epic Face tie entries by BrightEyes, and it's a tie that stands out from the crowd.

The tie itself was costed at a mere 5 Robux and all 2,500 in stock were snatched up in less than 40 minutes! Now prices have stormed up to the 600 Robux mark incredibly.

Kudos to Twala on making a great retexture and getting it published, and hopefully there'll be lot's more user-made retextures getting published in the future!


Have a question? Follow me on twitter @Rob498RBLX

Sunday, May 22, 2011

RN Desktop

Hey there Robloxians! Want to access roblox news from your desktop? Well you have to have Google Chrome to do this. Click the Image below for a quick walk-through.

[After clicking the image, click the zoom option available for perfect quality]


~ Have questions?
OR Ask me on Twitter
Follow Flingi2 on Twitter

Gear Review: Sand Tempest Scimitar

Hello everyone! I'm proud to present the first gear review! Today I will be reviewing the Sand Tempest Scimitar.

This sword has a great Pirate feel to it, with a sleek red and black striped grip handle. This sword is also long, making it easier to kill from a little longer distance.

The Scimitar decreases your opponent's health by 15, but with it's size it won't take you long to kill your opponent.

  • Wear the Pirate Hat to increase the damage rate.
  • The Scimitar is more efficient if you attack your opponent from the back.
The Scimitar is selling for R$: 200.

Thats all for todays gear review. I will be doing a gear review every two days, so keep checking back to Roblox News!

More Awesome Pwnsville Videos!

Some more great entries by Narhar and Jblaze1. Great job guys!

Narhar's Roblox Pwnsville

Jblaze1's Roblox Pwnsville: Celestial Tower Battle

Got any questions, comments, or just want to talk? Message me on skype at "attemptedsuccess"



Saturday, May 21, 2011

Future Roblox News?

Have you ever wondered what could be the new graphic updates for roblox news might be? Well we now have a Test site!

Click here to visit Test Site.

[click image to see animation]

Thanks to arbirator for thumbs up :)

~ Have questions?
OR Ask me on Twitter
Follow Flingi2 on Twitter

Three new user-made Retextures in the Catalog!

Hi guys. Another selection of the Retextures in Brighteyes' models have been published to the Catalog. Let's check them out:

Dragon Slayer Hood: was made by BLOX31 this is my most favourite out of these 3 Retextures. I love the scale texture and the colours are perfect!

Umadbro tie: was made by HanSolo996, Brighteyes asked for one on twitter and many users submitted their creations, she chose a couple but only published the one by HanSolo996. Not the most the creative tie ever, but then again, it was a Umadbro tie; designed to be infuriating.

Clown Tie: Lastly we have a bright colourful tie, may not be the most complicated Retexture around, but it does the job! This Retexture was made by zenongreat.


This Weeks Gear Summary!

ROBLOX has released some awesome gear this weekend. So let's check it out:

I only got footage of the Ultimate slide Skateboard because I couldn't get the other gear models to work.

So here are the ratings for the gear I tested:

Ultimate Slide Skateboard: 10/10 Was cheap to start with but of course the prices raised dramatically. 100 R$ was a bargain for this sleek new board. I also believe that this is slightly faster than other skateboards!

Knights of the Splintered Sky: Sword and Shield: 10/10 A great addition to the knights gear collection. Now to aid the Knights of Redcliff are the Knights of the Splintered Sky. When I tested it out, I was impressed, the sword and shield work perfectly and the swing animation is wonderful. Too bad I don't live near Walmarts!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Recent Roblox Updates!

Today, a few of you may have noticed that Roblox has updated! Here is a quick outline of the recent changes:

Draggable GUIs
Every Gui object now has a "Draggable" property. If true, the user can click and drag the GUI and its descendants around their screen. This can be very useful for Gui games and menus. Along with the new property comes two new events, DragBegin and DragStop. You can learn more about these by checking out the ObjectBrowser or the wiki.

New Roblox Leaderboard
Roblox has also updated their leaderboard. You may have seen earlier versions of the new leaderboard on the game test site or while building your place in Studio. The new leaderboard now displays the current membership level of the user. You can also hit the Tab key to see a larger version of the leaderboard in game.

Testing out the new leaderboard

Users have also recently discovered a new CookiesService. As of now, we do not know what exactly this new service is used for, but a few players have already begun formulating ideas. You can join in on the discussion here

Pwnsville Video Contest featured entries!

Here are some neat entries:


Roblox wants to hear your voice!

Roblox has an Account on UserVoice, a site that companies uses to get feed backs and suggestions from their customers. Well now let your voice be heard on Roblox's user voice!

Roblox UserVoice

[Click Image to See Animation]

~ Have questions?
OR Ask me on Twitter
Follow Flingi2 on Twitter

Thursday, May 19, 2011

ROBLOX News Official Group!

As some of you already know, Roblox News now has an official group! This group is a great way to talk to the staff of Roblox News and to find out about the latest posts and news! We announce new posts and contests on a daily basis and will usually post to the group status before we make a forum thread! If you join the group, you will be the first to know about anything on Roblox News and you will know about contests before anyone else.

We currently have the following ranks:
  • Fans - Normal group member. Can post on the wall and can see everything
  • Staff - So we know they are staff. Can post on the wall and can see everything
  • Manager's - So we can see our two wonderful managers. Can post to the wall and group status.

You can join the group HERE

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ROBLOX News is looking for a Gear Reviewer!

Think you have what it takes?

Send a detailed application to
You must include your ROBLOX username, your skills, and at least paragraph describing these skills and why you would like to work at Roblox News as a Gear reviewer. I would also like you to write a sample article for me, it can be about any Gear on ROBLOX.


Interview with the one and only GollyGreg!


So today we interviewed GollyGreg, it's not every day you get to interview a good builder, scripter and long term ROBLOX player! We'll tell you the rest in the end of the post..

Q1: What made you join ROBLOX?

A: I guess I can say that nothing really 'made' me join Roblox. I had first seen a YouTube video of some Robloxian Theme park or something and I remember being slightly interested in it. Then I kinda pushed that video to the back of my mind until I was bored about six months later. Found the video again, went to the site and joined.

Q2: What was the inspiration for your name

A: Not sure if there's much inspiration in this as there is randomness.

About four maybe five years ago, my friend urged me to join this online game. I had never signed up for anything before then so I was sort of new to the internets. When it asked me for a username, I mistakenly thought it was asking for something more like a 'character name' for the avatar in the game.

I had given it some thought and eventually I figured I wanted my name to have some sort of alliteration. (For those of you who aren't English-buffs, that means a series of words that begin with the same letter.) I played around with a few names and eventually came to GollyGreg and it stuck.

Q3: Why are you still playing ROBLOX even after playing it for almost 3 years?

A: Simply put, it's a fun game. I've always thought of Roblox places as a chance to create my own video games and stuff. What's not to love?

Q4: Was ROBLOX better in 2007, 2008,2009 ? I think it was.

A: I didn't really know that much in 2008, but I did have a lot of fun trying to learn the 'history' of Roblox and its users. I would start to recognize names like Jacobxxduel and Are92. It was kind of fun to catagorize all the users I would meet.

However with all the new updates today, I think that Roblox is a lot better than it was back then. I couldn't do half of the things we can do today.

Q5: What do you do most on ROBLOX just forum or play games?

A: I usually work on some project or something when I play Roblox, but I might take small breaks here and there to forum. Occasionally I'll pick some Roblox place that I know or even one on the front page for lulz.

Q6: What are your interests (Graphic design, drawing , computers, scripting, etc.)

A: Computers are cool. Music is cool. Scripting is cool.

Q7: What do you think about ROBLOX now? I think it's becoming close to pay-to-play...

A: I doubt it would become pay to play anytime soon.

Q8: What do you do most on the computer? What I do is ROBLOX and some graphic design using Paint.NET

A: I guess I listen to music a lot and I always seem to have someone trying to chat with me. I would say that I do both of these and play Roblox at the same time.

Q9: After playing ROBLOX so long....what do you think ROBLOX has done wrong to BC'ers and NBC'ers?

A: Roblox hasn't done that much wrong to NBCers. As long as NBCers keep the current features and dont lose any to BCers, then I think anything they add is fair.

Q10: Are you liking the BC perks and features ?

A: I don't have BC right now and I doubt I ever will again, but it was nice to sell stuff and the extra places are neat.

Q11: What do you do when you're not on the computer or when you're free?

A: I'm probably learning at school, playing/officating soccer games, at some band practice or concert, watching movies, and generally having a good time.

Q12: Ok, last question: What do you think has happened to the ROBLOX community after 3-4 years?

A: Obviously we have grown tremendously over the years. Now that can be a good and bad thing. People dont stand out as they usually do and are easily forgotten. However now we have a larger user base which brings in a lot of different type of people with a lot of different ideas and styles.

This is interview was kindly given to us by the lovely people of Roblox Interviewers! Run by ikutoisahobo.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

For the Die-Hard Roblox Fans

I know I've seen Roblox progress through the years, and the same goes for the music used in and created by Roblox. For those of you who have never gotten around to or just never knew where to get it, I have a helpful little bit of munchy downloadable goodness that you can sink your teeth into. I have put up several Roblox soundtracks that were either featured in Roblox trailers ["Explore Roblox" and the original theme for the first major trailer] or one of the most memorable, and first songs to be integrated into user controllable stereos in Roblox games [for those of you who were there when it came out, I think you will really enjoy this one] called "Runaway". I hope you all enjoy these, I know I have.

The file containing theses songs can be downloaded here:

FOLLOW THE BELOW STEPS BEFORE DOWNLOADING THE FILE IF YOU DON'T HAVE WINRAR TO EXTRACT THE FILES! [You can't get the songs until you follow these steps bellow.]

Now, the music is packed into a .rar file. and if you don't know how to open a .rar file then I will help explain how:

First you need to get winrar. A quick google search of "winrar" should show the correct download site as the first option. Go to it and click the download button. [It should look like this:]

After downloading it, [don't worry it's totally safe, it's just a file archiving system] and following all the steps [not sure if it has an installation process, but if so, just install it too] you can now download the file from mediafire, and if you already did, you can open the downloaded file [no fancy stuff, winrar will just automatically open it up]. After it's open, and you see the three files, select all of them by holding "Ctrl" and left clicking each one. after all are selected, right click them and extract them to a specified folder as shown in this picture:

Then select the location you want to put the songs [put them somewhere where you want move them or change them, because if you use iTunes to play them, they must stay in the same folder or place or else they won't play on iTunes without you having to delete them, and reopen them from their new location.]

If you have anymore questions, just leave a comment or send me a message on skype [attemptedsuccesss] and I'll be happy to help. As I said, I loved these songs, and I hope all you Roblox fans will as well!



Roblox Review: The Plagued Land

Have you ever been to a place and thought "Wow, this guy must have spent a few days on this place!" Most of you probably haven't. The trash on the front page looks like it took them a few minutes to make it. Others skip the making part and just copy places. There are a few gems in the pile though. Jblaze1's The Plagued Land is one of them. Although this place hasn't made it to the front page it's still a very well built place.
Effort 9/10
As you can see from the picture the place uses Cframes. I have a weakness for C-framed places. You can't fully appreciate a Cframed place until you've tried C-framing yourself. It's pretty hard to get those details right. The creator obviously put a lot of effort into this place. The castle is great and the Cframed spots are gorgeous. There are a few skull things in the ground that I love, detail is what makes games great! However, the map is remarkably empty. There's one building and the rest of the map is incredibly large. I suggest either adding other buildings or making the map smaller
Creativity 10/10
I admit that there are a few maps like this, a ruined city, desolate. But they don't have the same charm as this. I think this map is gorgeous. The names and the idea of the hidden grave. It's great, I love the ideas.
Gameplay 7/10
Although the map itself is great it leaves much to be desired. There need to be more areas to explore. Having one building to run around in may be fun for awhile but not for long. Add more areas to explore. I had the thought to make your map a sword-fighting arena. A bit like Telamon's SFOTHIV. You could add a few hidden swords or weapons and scatter them throughout the map. One could be at the grave and it could summon zombies or creatures of the otherworld. Be creative!
Final rating 9/10

  • Add more buildings/places to explore
  • Make the skybox a pretty sunset :D
  • Add swords/other
  • Add hidden weapons
  • Gimme a hot dog.
If you want your place reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about your place! I'll be glad to give you ideas on your place and help make it better.