
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Grow and Raise an Epic Fish Place Review

You all have pet fish right? Well, have had in my case. Sadly, my pet fishes are currently outside in a box underground. It's quite sad really. But anyway, kylevanelli's Grow and Raise an Epic Fish place is pretty well done. Your fish don't die without any reason which is quite nice, and you also don't have to clean it's bowl which was a rather tedious chore if you ask me. Well, enough small talk, on to the review.

Effort 10/10

You start out in the map with an egg. Now everyone knows fish come out of eggs right? Okay good, remember that one. You'll need it in Biology class in 7th grade. Anyway, the map is a whole lot of spheres all C-framed together. You may think "Oh look, a bunch of spheres" but I thought, "Holy CRAP! That's alot of Cframing!" The place is literally nothing BUT Cframed stuff. It's pretty epic. The screen is plastered with a lot of Nice looking GUIs that do not get in the way which is nice. This looks like the creator spent a good while on the place.

Creativity 6/10

Yeah, there are a whole load of Raise your ____ places. Raise your dragon, raise a slime, raise a duck. They're also pretty much all the same (except the slime one, that one's great.) This place is pretty much the same as the others. You need to do something different to make yours stand apart.

Gameplay 7/10

Well, after I used my Egg tool my egg immediately rolled down the spheres in the map into a ditch. The fish survived though, don't worry. The fish hatched and I tried to find out how to feed it. Basically, every few seconds you get some money which you can use to buy food which you can use to feed your fish. This is a great GUI feature but it's a bit boring. I'd rather go hunting for berries or fighting ferocious sharks.

Overall 7.5/10


  • Make sure the egg doesn't roll down the hills
  • Make feeding your fish interesting.
  • Perhaps you could choose whether your fish was a carnivore or a herbivore and have it eat things as such. Ex: carnivore fish eats other fish or fights fish that aren't owned by others and Herbivore fish eat plants.
  • Add some shrimp, I like shrimp. They're delicious.

If you want your place reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about your place! I'll be glad to give you ideas on your place and help make it better.

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