
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Interview with FrostyKitten


Q1) How did you find out about ROBLOX? What made you want to join?
A1) A friend from school told me about it. I wanted to join it because I liked the fact that you could do plenty of things.

Q2) Who is your favourite admin?
A2) Sorcus because he talks to the users.

Q3) Where did you come up with your name?
A3) White reminds me of Frost, and I like white kittens so I thought of FrostyKitten.

Q4) Do you like Cookies?
A4) No, I prefer Ice Cream.

Q5) What is your favourite Item on Roblox?
A5) Ice Wizard Hat.

Q6) Who is your Favourite Robloxian?
A6) Anyone who goes on RT.

Q7) Do you enjoy building? Why?
A7) I don't like building, I find it too annoying and fiddley.

Q8) How do you earn currency on ROBLOX?
A8) Login bonus or TC.

Q9) If you could change one thing on ROBLOX, what would it be?
A9) I'd create a feature which would allow you to change colors on the website (Background color, profile color, etc).

Q10) Finally, what is your all time favourite place? Why?
A10) Twoshue's freeze tag. I think it's very different and creative.

You can view FrostyKitten's profile HERE


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