
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Build your own combat ship and sail it RANT review

You've seen the movies right? The handsome pirate sailing the seas in search for a buried treasure. This place isn't like that. Ohhh no. It's as far away from that as you can get.
Gameplay 3/10
Basically, the goal of the game is to make a boat that can sail through a river to get to the end of the map. It has a lot of building options but the only problem I can see is that I can get pretty far through the river on a wooden plank with a seat on it. It's pretty fun actually. There's a video link here somewhere. Anyway, one good thing about the place is the fact that you can go to Private Building spawns to build without getting killed numerous times.
Effort 6/10
There are some good things in here. I like what he did with the cannons but the one problem I have with the game is the river. If you look closely at the river the sides of the river are water. That doesn't make any sense, There isn't water at the side of the river. There's a river bank, a cliff, or in certain cases a police car that is ready to arrest you for being in a no swimming zone. That's pretty much my only problem with the map. There are a few pretty C-frame areas but I just don't like the area the water is in. It's just floating in the middle of the sky. Put the map in a cave and it will look much prettier
Creativity 6/10
I've seen quite a few maps like this. Some were better built and some.... weren't. This one is decent but could use a lot of work.
Overall 5/10
  • Change the river so it looks like a cave or something similar
  • Don't add 2/3 chocolate chips, just dump the whole bag in.
  • Make it harder to get through with just one brick

If you found an awful front page game that you want reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about that place! I'm always happy to RANT about horrible front page games.

Also, you should follow me on twitter even if you don't have a RANT or review request! Sometimes I invite my followers to go to places with me to help review them.
Reviewed place : Build your own combat ship and sail it
Reviewed by: Banjobug
Gameplay Video is here


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