
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

FEATURED: Interview with Newtrat

1. What made you become a ROBLOX Intern?
    ROBLOX came to my college's career fair this spring. *puts on embarrassed expression* I'd actually never heard of the site before, but it sounded really interesting, so I applied for an open internship without really knowing what it would involve. After an interview with someone whose username I don't know and, later, with Telamon (that was about as fun as you might expect, i.e. really fun), I was lucky enough to get the internship.

2. What do you think of ROBLOX so far?
    I really like it! That is, I'm really enjoying both my time spent on the website and my time spent working for ROBLOX. I like my coworkers, I like the people I've met via PM conversations online, and I like coding items that other people can use and enjoy. It's a pretty sweet deal.

3. What do you do for ROBLOX?
    Currently I'm coding gear, with great help from Sorcus. Some of the gear I've made (more properly, helped to make) has been released already, and some might not be released for a while. In the next few weeks I might be working on some other projects as well.

4. What is your favorite game?
    On ROBLOX... maybe Survive the 90 Disasters, since it's the first game I ever played here... maybe Find the Domos! since the fact that I've only found about half of them still drives me insane. I'm not totally sure. I like most of the games I've played. Otherwise... it generally depends on what kind of mood I'm in. I really enjoyed Spyro the Dragon and Final Fantasy XII, both of which were listed on my semi-official blog interview. But I also really enjoyed (even if I didn't finish all of these): Myst, Kingdom Hearts, Super Mario Galaxy 1&2, Donkey Kong Country (one of the sequels), Tiger Woods PGA Tour '05, Super Mario World, RollerCoaster Tycoon, Civilization III/IV, Chessmaster 9, LEGO Rock Raiders, SSX 3, Guitar Hero III, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, all of Eyezmaze's Grow games, almost all of jmtb02's games, Platform Racing 2, Bloons, N, and a ton of other games I'm not thinking about right now. Wow, that was a long answer.

5. Are you going to the ROBLOX Rally? If so please tell us what you will be doing there!
    Yes, I'm going! I'm not totally sure what I'll be doing yet, though I guess I have some idea. I know I will be answering questions at some point, either while walking around or as part of some official group, so feel free to say "Hi" and talk to me if you're going!

6. What do you think is is ROBLOX's most important aim
    Well... the website says "ROBLOX IS a kid-friendly place on the internet where your children can exercise their creativity in a moderated online environment," but that probably doesn't say too much. My own completely biased and not-at-all-representative-of-ROBLOX-as-a-whole opinion is that ROBLOX's most important aim is to provide a game engine that's flexible enough to allow users to create any game they can imagine, while still being easy enough to use that it's not too intimidating for first-time programmers. This is a biased opinion because I am into programming, so I'd naturally emphasize the programming aspects of ROBLOX over other, almost certainly equally important aspects like the community built on the forums and through PMs, artwork that goes into character personalization and item collections, beautiful architectural marvels, and the like.

7. Who is your favorite intern besides you?
    I'm not sure I have a favorite intern. But tarabyte is officially listed as one of my Minions, so I'm going to have to go with her. :)

8. Who is your favorite person at the office (Feel free to pick 1 or more)
    Wow. This is a hard question because I don't want to leave anyone out! I think I spend most of my time with HotThoth and Sorcus, so I guess I'd say them if I had to choose. However, I like everyone I've met so far.

9. What do you do in your free-time when your not at ROBLOX?
    Depends on the day. I try to do a crossword every day, despite having absolutely no reason to do so. I like playing piano. I enjoy spending time with / talking to / watching movies with my friends. I probably do more interesting things, but I guess I don't remember most of them.

Interview By: Cheesety210
Published By: Flingi2

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