
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm new!

Hey, I'm Bayat, I got hired as of 7/6/2011.
Let me tell you about myself!

I joined ROBLOX on the tenth of August back in 2008, which means I'm nearing my 3-year veteran point. Back in 2008, I didn't know anything at all, didn't know how to build, script, and even get any clothes. I asked around in the community, and they helped.

In 2009, I started to build, reaching my 100 friend mark. I met Jojomen56, a famous builder, who created the ROBLOX Wild Camping series. We became good friends, and he hired me as an administrator for his games!

2010 came along, and I was a two-year veteran. ROBLOX changed a lot in two years. In February of 2010, I got TBC. I decided to start looking in some free models and learned how to script. I earned money from a few place visits, and TBC. I soon started to buy some semi-expensive hats (100-1000R$). I was really proud. I never really became famous, but I'm known to my friends.

Then 2011 rolled in, and I was spending a little less time from ROBLOX due to school. But now, since it's summer of 2011, I'm on ROBLOX quite often! I'll be doing frequent posts on my free time!
I hope to stay here for a good long time!

(Albert Avery)


  1. Welcome to Roblox News!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I knew how to configure my character colors though. I just didn't know how to BUY clothes.

  5. @Dylan.. You don't have to judge him and be rude.

  6. Sorry Guys! I didnt logout of my email and my brother thought i had applied and tried to make it so i wouldnt get on. Again, i apologize, i should have signed out. And Bayat nice piece, you will do fine.

  7. Well, better luck next time. And I will try again next time. :)

  8. Oh. That's okay then. And thanks. :)

  9. Welcome hope you have a nice time

  10. It was a pleasure to play and interact with you, Bayat.
    Although I was famous, you and I were never broken and stayed united till the end.
    It was because of you, Bayat, that I was kept myself and always enjoyed ROBLOX. Your comments, constructive feedback and amazing personality were an essential part of my daily ROBLOX.

    I hope to see you soon, my great friend.
    I am back on ROBLOX, after a year of retirement, creating new games where hopefully we can continue our group testing and joking.

    -Joey (Jojomen56)


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