
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Roblox News First Video RANT review!

This review features the very first Roblox Rant Video Review! I hope you enjoy it!

If you have ever gone to a theater that was thoroughly disgusting and had these little critters crawling around I truly feel sorry for you. However, At least the movie theater didn't look like this place.
Effort 2/10
Most of the walls don't connect and there are large gaps where people fall through. I get really annoyed when people have that many gaps in their places. A few is okay but this place goes past the line. You can see what I mean in the video review below. Also, only one movie theater actually shows a movie of some kind. All the others show amazing black screens. There's also a spawn point out in the middle of nowhere. judging by the decal on it I'd think it was something in a free model
Creativity 3/10
There are a lot of movie theater tycoons and the whole tycoon thing in general got old a long time ago.
Gameplay 3/10
There really isn't much to do. The only things you can do is stand around and wait for money to magically appear in your wallet. You could also go break into the VIP room but that's too easy. The funnest thing you can do in this place is trick people into your popcorn machine.
Overall 2.5/10

  • Fix the random gaps.
  • Get rid of the joke spawn
  • Make movies in the theater work
  • Give me 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • Add something for you to do while you're waiting for your money to go up.

If you found an awful front page game that you want reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about that place! I'm always happy to RANT about horrible front page games.

Also, you should follow me on twitter even if you don't have a RANT or review request! Sometimes I invite my followers to go to places with me to help review them.
Review place : Movie Theater Tycoon
Reviewed by: Banjobug
Video Review is here


  1. Nice video! Who was that following you around and talking?
    Also, they said "You will die! And...." then the video ended... What were they going to say?

  2. It was me :P Cliffhanger. :P I'm his friend.

  3. IKR If you want your place to have a good review make sure there are no cracks.

  4. Woahhh... that's one big crack. :P

  5. The popcorn machine had a crack! You didn't even notice! What kind of review is this!!! lol :3

  6. im only a begginer, i use free models sometimes (almost all the time in some of my earlier games) but even i can do better than that! i dont leave cracks, and i just use free models for stuff like lava and trampolines cus i cant script, i dont leave cracks, anyone with a brain can use at least the build tools, most (including me :3) can use the studio tools, which i think is there biggest flaw. if you wanna rant about my place you can cus i only have 76 place visits IN TOTAL and i would be quite interested too see your opinion on a 'scripting noobs' place, and BTW in not a noob, i've been on roblox 4 ages, just playing places, not making them, but if you want a free model bucket theres a place i made in 30 minutes using almost all only free model, made 1 day after i actually pressed 'build' for the first time, im getting the hang of it and made my first model of a cave thing i made 100% myself called darkheart cave. so im getting somewhere! still a game making (not playing) noob, and also, why do you refer to all places like a recipe and mention chocolate chip bags and stuff like that?

    im danatron1 BTW


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