
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

ROBLOX Economy: Limited Item Boom.

In recent months, the ROBLOX market has been seeing Limited items boom in price. Prices are rising very quickly in such a small period of time, let's take a look at some examples.

  • ROBLOX Classic Fedora: Gone from the range of 2k all the way up to the mid 4k's in just a few months.
  • Knight of the Stygian Abyss: Gone from the 2k range up to the range of 6k in a very short period of time.
  • Coloured Katanas: These have all seen a drastic rise in price, now most are in the region of 5 firgures.
  • '07 Gift hats: Doom bucket, gone from 20k to 35k in a few months, Sparkle Time Fedora, gone from 55k to 100k in a few months.


There are many more examples I could list, but it would be a VERY long list.
So my suggestion in this current market boom, is to keep your items, and buy fairly small items in the region of 5k, like the fire helm etc.

-Rob498 Have a question? Follow me on Twitter @Rob498RBLX


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Arb's Hat Reviews: Officer Zombie

Today we are going to take a look at the Officer Zombie hat recently released to the ROBLOX catalog. Immediately the imaginative design of the hat stood out to me so I thought I'd review it.

Check out the scores below:

The Mesh 10/10

With an interesting shape, well designed head and fitting police cap; this would look great on any budding Zombie. The head actually replaces your head, and so gives you a great looking zombie appearance.

The Colours 9/10

The colours are bright and vibrant, easily making you the most visible player in-game. The only slight problem is that the zombie skin is slightly lighter than the skin on zombie clothes, meaning that the face, arms, legs and torso may not match. All this means however, is that there are less clothes to choose from, but that's not too much of a worry.

The Texture 9/10

The texture of this mesh is pretty detailed, with a mix of different shades and detail in the eyes and mouth. However a couple more details could have been added, but may have been too hard to include in the finished product.

The Creativity 10/10

Officer Zombie is without doubt one of the most creative hats I have seen this year and fully deserves the score of 10! Having a Zombie cop would be hilarious in so many ways and the idea behind the hat is brilliant.

So overall a great hat, it is BC only, however I think it probably deserves to be with a lot of effort put into the making of it.

At the bargain price of R$150 it is well worth the money.

So what are you waiting for? Buy it now!

...Unless you aren't BC that is.

Thankyou for reading my hat review.



Advertising: Tips and Tricks!

Hello all, today I'll be teaching you some tips and tricks in the world of advertising!

So, without further ado, let's get started.

1. Choosing your ad size.
2. How to create an effective advertisement.
3. Whether to bid less on multiple ads then more on just one.
4. Choosing the right time to use it.
5. Author's note.


Choosing your ad size is one of the most important
things about creating an ad. Every size has it's advantage,
banner ads usually tend to get the most impressions,
whereas skyscraper ads give you more space
to work with while making an ad to make it more
effective and appealing, but give you less impressions,
but usually get more of a click rate percentage, and the
rectangle ads are in the middle of those points.
The ads I usually tend to go for and recommend are banner ads,
mainly due to the amount of impressions I receive, in second place
is the skyscraper ad, and in third the rectangle ad, so I'll put this into a
table of which I recommend you should go for.

1. Banner ad. Size 728 x 90.

2. Skyscraper ad. Size 160 x 600.

3. Rectangle ad. Size 300 x 250.


In this section I show you some tips on how to create an effective ad.

  • The best way to get good effects is to get plugins for your image editing software, to create good effects to attract the users viewing your ad.

  • When designing ad, choose vibrant colours that will appeal to the person viewing your ad, don't pick dull colours, try and choose colours that go with the main colour of the place as a background and it will look more tasteful and well presented.

  • When using effects, make sure you spend a good while perfecting at the effect you used, so it grabs the attention of the audience.

  • And lastly I highly recommend placing a picture of your place / motto of your group / and character wearing the clothing you're trying to sell, as they know what it will look like and hopefully like it going to the point where they click the ad.

Nowaday, a lot of people tend to think using up all your money on one ad, instead of dividing it between multiple ads is the way to get more clicks.
They are quite wrong.
It's a bad idea to waste all your money one ad instead of multiple ones, because if you're just counting on one ad to impress, and if it is doing badly, you won't have any back-up ad so your money has suddenly gone to waste.And also, multiple ads tend to get seen much more often than if you bidded all your money on a single ad.So keep this in mind when choosing to bid on your ad.


Choosing the right to run your ad is rather crucial, if you run it at a time when hardly anyone is online, you will stay without many clicks at all for a long time, but if you run it when lots of users are online, you tend to get much more clicks, and instead of coming around to this time once when it's flocking with users, if you run it when it is busy, you get two stabs at your ad being shown around that busy time, because if you run it at that time, it will finish at that busy time, giving your ad a good finish to it's time running.


I thank you for taking your time to read this, and hope it will come in handy for you when you are interested in running some ads to get your item more popular, so again, thank you for reading.


-Rob498. Have a question? Follow me on Twitter @Rob498RBLX


Will ROBLOX become NOBLOX?

With the new terrain feature coming out soon, will ROBLOX become NOBLOX?

The new terrain feature will be released sometime in September and will definitely revolutionise the way people play, think and build on ROBLOX. A question which people will ask it will it be laggy? Well, the new feature is being tested on, so all ROBLOXians can experience the new features, and see if there are any bugs/glitches or any lag problems.

This is a short post because not much is known about this feature yet, but you can ask me anything by sending me an e-mail at



Monday, August 29, 2011

New Limited Hats

The first new limited hat is the Ruler of the Night. 450 of the hat sold for 1,000 robux. Now private sellers are selling the hat for 1,300 robux. With the 25% tax, owners are barely breaking even at 1,000 robux. I recommend not buying this hat.

The other limited is the Grand Master Knight. This hat sold 1,000 times for 200 robux. Now robloxians are selling it for 350 robux. Profit but not much. I would try buying it for 200 robux or lower. Any higher is a rip off.


Attention Blog Staff! IMPORTANT MESSAGE!

Due to some recent poor quality/common sense posts, please put all blog posts here before actually publishing them. In the future, we may only make a few people able to write, but for now, just wait for us to approve your post.

Interview with ROFL1clubpenguin!

Q1. How did you find out about ROBLOX?
A1. I was looking at videos of a guy I was subscribed to, and he posted a video about a game called "Roblox." I decided I would give it a try and I got hooked ever since. The only reason my nam is what it is, is because I used to be obsessed with that game when I joined. Not anymore though.

Q2. What's your favorite ROBLOX hat?
A2. Macon The Bacon. Pigs are my favorite animals and I love the thought of having one on my head!

Q3. Who is your favorite Admin and why?
A3. I think my favorite admin in Telamon. He's so outgoing. He's also following me on twitter.

Q4. Q4. What do you do mostly on Roblox? (Forums, games, etc.)
A4. I usually forum. I'm around 6.2k posts right now. I also like to draw my friends and make retextures.

Q5. Who is your favorite Roblox player and why? (not admin/intern/mod)
A5. I don't think I could pick one, I have to pick 2. One is RandomCowGoesMooo. He is always really nice to me and we refer to eachother as "Brotonimorts." He's always making jokes and being funny. The other one is BobCowMan. He's is an amazing guy who always helps me when I need it. He has just the right mix of humor and seriousness.

Q6. Whats your favorite ROBLOX gear?
A6. I have to say the gravity coil. I bought it when it first came out and it has easily become the most usefull gear I've ever had.

Q7. What do you think is your biggest ROBLOX accomplishment?
A7. My biggest accomplishment was being put on (so far) 25 "favorite LMaDer's" lists. Besides that is getting the Ancalagon. I'm just dissapointed because I think it's worth more than it's selling for.

Q8. Some people say they like the "older Roblox" do you agree?
A8. Yes and No. I love some of the updates. For example, I was around when groups and limiteds first came out. Those are two of the greatest updates that have happened to ROBLOX. I really dislike ones like the new buying system. It's a lot slower and the buttons are in strange places.

Thank you ROFL1clubpenguin for letting me interview you!


Sunday, August 28, 2011

NEW Roblox Contest. "Build your Summer vacation!"

Hi all, sorry for my absence the past 2 months, as I was on holidays, but I'm back and will frequently be posting articles again.

The 45th building contest we have had since the beginning of contests is a "Build your Summer Vacation!" contest.

The contest holds 3 prizes, and these are the requirements:

Darkseed: The Fallen. 1850 - 9999 points required.
Math Textbook. 1550 - 9999 points required.
ROBLOX for N00bs. 90% voting accuracy required.

And all the 3 are book hats, hinting the beginning of school and Summer being drawn to a close, but persinally I think these are well retextured prizes, and decent compared to other contest prizes.

So, get cracking on building your contest entry, to be in with a chance of winning one or more of these great prizes!


Have a question? Follow me on Twitter @Rob498RBLX


Friday, August 26, 2011

Roblox versus School. The Big Challenge.

Are you wondering whether you should give up Roblox over the school year? Should you just quit now or wait until your breaks? Now you don't have to worry. You should know that Roblox isn't always the most important thing in life.

Yes if you have parents you should have them go over this with you or they can read it themselves. (Recommended)

So you're starting school or in school now. If you are in 5th grade or higher this guide is mainly for you, although consists of lower grades.

Think about it in the long run, play Roblox all the time and don't care about school or focus on school and your grades.

First homeroom classes shouldn't expect daily assignments with about 1-3 subjects average. You most likely will have Math/English/Science/History homework. Most teachers prefer a packet with info from the teacher and for the whole week. Usually, you'll have 3 subjects most per day. This easily balances Roblox out with what you should get done per day. Assignments can vary by due date from 1 day to 2 weeks.

As you know when you go through the grades you get more homework and it becomes more challenging. Majority of middle schools have 7 work periods where you should have Math/History-Language or (Humanities)/Science/Elective/P.E./Other subjects will vary (Ex. Life Skills/Music/Drama/Art/World Language-30% Mandatory/Study Hall/Tech Lab). You will have average 3 home work assignments per day and 6 at most. Even though you may not have a certain class on a certain day, usually assignments can vary from 1 day 4 weeks until it's done.

You should always pick the assignments that have the shortest due date, then the ones that you can help from the teacher or parents while you can, and lastly the ones that have a longer due date and should be done gradually over time.

When asking for help don't rush your work or imply "Roblox" when saying you need help with your work. This will show a sign that you want to play Roblox but don't want to do home work.

One of the most important thing to do is not rush your work, because 99.9% of the time your parents hope you do good in school meaning that having bad grades won't let you play Roblox or have any free time.

Some tips:
If you have large assignments that need to be done don't procrastinate.
Try to go on Roblox when you're done with everything on your homework and schoolwork.
When you do have the time try to shorten your time on Roblox to about half the time you do now, see how many hours for the weekdays and weekends you will go on average.
Do not do weekend assignments on the last day, causing you to have to rush getting things done.

I hope that everyone reads this guide. Later on I'll add in some school related things and tips on how to still be on Roblox during the school year.

No I am not an adult typing this guide as a parent of a Robloxian.

If you have any questions, I suggest you use Roblox: jirachidog, If I dont respond use twitter: @jirachidog

Site upgrades.

You may have already noticed around the site, that there have been major changes.

Firstly: The game pages. They have had a drastic change,  with the boxes disappearing. Being left with a sleek and professional looking page.
The Badges page also changed accordingly, Now only showing 4 badges per page.

This may look good. But many OBC players have complained about the contrast of colours in this new site upgrade. In OBC theme, the actual box hasn't changed colour accordingly, and is still the same colour as the normal theme. Which, I think looks very off putting. Though I believe admins are working on this (Image courtesy of RangeMeludE)

Secondly: The purchase item dialog has also changed.
It now has a sleek design with big buttons (Which I personally love)

This update on the catalog also makes for quicker purchases, so if you want to snag that limited item. you can now.

We'll keep you posted if there are any other site updates.

Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

I'm IBarrageI, and I have approved this message
(Catch phrase copyright ololololol)


Photoshop Tutorial: Lighting.

In photo editing, the main thing that is forgotten is lighting. If lighting is forgotten, the photo loses it's sense of reality, leaving it un-believable (In realism terms). There are several ways to add lighting in photoshop, but the one I'm going to show you today is much more realistic.

Times you may need to add lighting:

  • When adding an image to a photo (i.e. When adding a person to an image that wasn't there before)
  • When editing an image ending up at a different perspective.

Lets say we take this image:
Desk picture
And add it to the photoshop page.

Then we are going to add a fruit bowl. (Randomly selected)

If you find that your image was meant to be transparent, but in fact a .jpg file, you'll find that it has a white background. like so.

To sort this out, you select the "magic wand tool" (found below)

And deselect "Contiguous" (Found on top bar, as shown below)
With that, you can select 1 colour, without having to add another selection.
You can edit the tolerance so less similar colours can get chosen.

Once put into place. The image will look like this:
Notice how the fruit bowl seems out of place? Well, we are going to sort that out.

Step 1. Find the light perspective. In this image, it's coming from the top.

Step 2. Find the position of where the light is coming from. In this image you would find it around the centre top, outside of the canvas.

Step 3. Go to Filter (Found at the top of the program) > Render > Lighting effects.

With this, you can set the direction of the light, the vibrancy of the light, and even what type of light you use.
The settings here are currently set to a metallic downwards light.

After the lighting effects have been changed to suit the lighting. You should end up with this.
A subtle change, but much more suited to it's surroundings.

But. there is still one more thing that is currently missing. A wise man once told me, "The Greatest Light, Is the Greatest Shade" Which in theory, means: With light, comes a shadow.

You don't really need to do much work on a shadow with this lighting. but it's nice to do a little something.

Press, Shift + Ctrl + N To make a new layer, and put that layer under the layer with the fruit bowl.

Now. Get the paintbrush tool. And got to the preferences bar and set the colour to a darkish grey, and add a splash of the colour just below the fruit bowl.
After that, get the blur tool, and use that on this patch of grey

Now the patch of grey is a subtle shadow.

The result: (A fruit bowl on a desk, that actually looks like it belongs there.)

I hope this tutorial has helped you
Thank you for reading.
If you need any tutorials, tweet me your questions at @IBarrageI, and I'll see if I can answer your questions and make a tutorial for it.

Peace out.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Zeppelin Top Hat

The Zeppelin Top Hat, the newest addition to the top hats of Robloxia, is a very interesting one considering most are just black with this or that colored band. The top hat originally went for 500 R$ and I know a lot of you always want to make a profit off of hats, but I really don't, so this is just going to be a review of the hat itself and not this price you should sell it for and this time when it will peak. The hat, as I said was an interesting new addition to the already abounding list of top hats Roblox has to offer and comes with some very well thought out features. First, the texture, which is meant to conjure a somewhat cloud-like background but what I found really great about this is that it gave it a sort of felt look (felt as in the fabric felt) that makes it seem like it has a great combination of light colors, and would be comfortable to wear and feel. No I am not crazy and think you can feel virtual hats, I just believe that was a nice, fairly unnoticed feature of it. The zeppelin around the edge of the hat, hanging a couple inches above the brim also makes it slightly unique in the fact that the top hat actually has something protruding from the side of it rather than being a flat solid colors only kind of top hat. And, when you look at it, who wouldn't want to fly in a zeppelin? The last thing that is almost hidden from the image on the picture in the catalog but is a great addition to the hat is several black birds flying around in the cloudy sky texture of the hat, making it unmistakable that that is a definite, high flying zeppelin.

As we were low on posts these last couple of days, I just decided to bust one out to keep our viewers interested in the interim before arbirator gets back. I hope you like the hat I have showcased today as I liked it enough to buy it after it went off sale for 800$. Hopefully the price may have lowered so some of the players who really can't afford a some like that, still have a chance to get a hold of another one of the abundance of great top hats Roblox has to offer.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Post Gone Wrong

I would like to apologize to all the users who were in the recent post by, Deltaforce96, an Intern here at Roblox News. We are really sorry to all the People who were listed as scammers. Please forgive us for this mistake, and it WILL NOT be repeated again.



Find teh Epic Duckies Review

Everyone loves ducks right? Ducks are freakin' adorable! I can't come up with one bad thing about them. Although everyone knows that epic ducks are way cooler than normal ducks. Anyway, in this place you are supposed to find ducks. What could possibly be better?

Gameplay 8/10
There are a lot of ducks and duck badges. (33) There's a neat little gui that tells you what badges you've collected which is very useful. Some ducks are easy to find and others are not. After awhile though it does get a bit tiresome.

Effort 7/10
33 badges means 3300R$. That's a lot of money to put into a game. However you can't get by on just money alone. There are some nice Cframes and the ducks all look different. The map is also well made but could use some work.

Creativity 7/10
There have been a lot of Badge Finding games but I don't think I've seen too many duck ones.

Overall 7.5/10

  • Make the map bigger and prettier
  • Add a hidden button that when pressed makes a giant cancollide off epic duck fall from the sky and give everyone a badge.

If you want your place reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about your place! I'll be glad to give you ideas on your place and help make it better. Also, if you find a place that is absolutely awful and on the front page send me a PM and I might make a RANT about it!

Also, you should follow me on twitter even if you don't have a RANT or review request! Sometimes I invite my followers to go to places with me to help review them.

Place Reviewed: Find teh Epic Duckies
Reviewed by: Banjobug

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Awesomesaurus Rex

Awesomesaurus Rex

Today we will be talking about the new body, Awesomesaurus Rex. This body has been very popular in the counts of:
1. Its 300R$
2. It looks EPIC
3. It comes with a FREE hat!
4. It looks EPIC

Even I bought this body! A lot of body's have it where you can't wear a shirt, and theres no hat that will really FIT that body. This body gives you a free hat that fits in perfectly. It looks super cool with a Swordpack, Killer Dino! Here is a couple pictures of different people wearing the body:



I reccomend this body to EVERYONE that wants to look epic! Until next time,


New Limited Item

New limited item, Korblox Deathspeaker's Spell Book. This gear is selling slowly at 1,000 robux a piece. With over 1,000 left this item is sure to make no profit. If you want to loose robux invest in this item. If you want to keep your robux I advise you to stay away from this item.


"Like Clockwork" Top Hat; Don't Waste Money

The "Like Clockwork" Top Hat, is nothing to invest money into. The original price was selling for 400 R$. The lowest price is now selling at 450 R$. This is not really a good item to invest your money into, but if you're looking to get an extra 25R$ from it, then sure. Buy it. But if you'd like to make big money, I suggest buying a different hat, such as Red Grind when it first came out.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

RN Mobile For iPad App Accepted!

It's finally here! The RN Mobile Application for the iPad has been accepted! After a week of waiting for review Apple has change the status of the app to Ready for sale! Which means it was accepted and is being uploaded into the App store!

Within the next hour the RN iPad App should be in the Apple App Store. To find it you can search "ROBLOX News HD", "Double Trouble Studio", "ROBLOX", or Click this link:

Thanks for your support!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Review: Heli Wars

There's always something special about the first game on Roblox you ever played. I don't know what it is about it but you just respect the place. The first place I ever visited was Heli-Wars. It may have gotten some bad stuff said about it in the past but the game has improved a lot recently.

Gameplay 8/10
The gameplay remains the same as it did in the past. go over to the other side of the map, steal the flag, and bring it back. However, in many of the servers I have played that flags are either not there or broken. I do not know why that is and it may be because of the server I am on but I hope the creator adds  a fix to that in the future. Also, once you get to the other teams spawn you can simply spawnkill them with either the pistol or the ak47. Both of those weapons completely ignore the forcefield and kill the other user very quickly. I suggest making it so the weapons can not spawnkill like that. The best part of the game is when you shoot down an enemy helicopter with a rocket launcher and you watch it explode. I don't know why but I thoroughly enjoy explosions.

Creativity 10/10
From what I know, this game has been around since 08. I don't know if it goes back farther. (If you know when it started please post in the comments) Since it is so old it would be unfair to judge it by today's places seeing as it came before those. I am going to give it a 10 because I do not know what other games were around back then and whether or not this place copied one of them.

Effort 10/10
Many people have accused the creator of Heli-Wars  of using free model Helicopters. I for one do not believe this to be true. I believe that many people copied his helicopters which then caused others to believe that he used free models. The helicopters are great and for that I give him most of the effort. The rest is for the great mounds of earth separating  the two bases. As well as the many ramps you can ride on if you are in a jeep. There are so many vehicles in this game it's incredible
Overall 9.5/10
  • Fix spawnkilling
  • Make explosions more explodey 8D
  • Make a pizza and hide it in a cloud  and make it a badge.
  • Add Cloud Cover for Helicopters. Ex: Heli goes in cloud and people can't see it but can still hit it.

If you want your place reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about your place! I'll be glad to give you ideas on your place and help make it better.

Also, you should follow me on twitter

even if you don't have a RANT or review request! Sometimes I invite my followers to go to places with me to help review them.

Place Reviewed: Heli-Wars
Reviewed by: Banjobug
Published by: Flingi2

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Another Roblox Glitch?

If you forum on either Roblox Talk/Off-Topic/Let's Make a Deal, you probably know about the ROBLOX Card glitch. You may have seen people raging about how they bought ROBLOX Cards with their own money. This glitch occured around 4:00 PST Aug. 16th and stopped near 4:30 PST. Aug 16th.

Here's how it all started....

Roblox was testing ROBLOX cards on the gametest. They accidentally turned the free version on for the (www) site. So when you clicked the Roblox Card button on the Builder's Club page the code was already filled in. You were allowed 20$ worth of credit on each account, then people decided to use alts and override it to their benefits.

When the admins found out this was happening they decided to turn the switch off. At this time people were scared to try the glitch because people thought they would get banned. Later on, Brighteyes announced it was an accident made by them and they would let everyone keep their credit and not do a thing.

So if you're wondering how people got the free BC and robux, this is it.

New Limiteds. I smell Profit

New limited items.

Black Magic Top Hat : A new Topic Hat with a little magic. Around 250 left, each are selling for 400 robux. I suggest buying. I feel profit being made.

Zombie Cat: Has just sold out. Was selling for 150 robux. If looking for profit try and snag for for 100 to 150.


How to Enter Contests!

It's Bayat again, for which means another tutorial!

Today, I will be showing you how to enter contest!
First of all, we'll click the Contest Page!

The contest that is going on will vary, from time to time.
Now, we can click the Enter Contest button.

A screen will pop up, giving you an option to use a current place you have, or to create a new one.
You can click either one.

Once you click that, go ahead and click refresh.

Then click "Configure My Place."

It will lead you a page to configure it.
When naming it, MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT CONTAIN "+4 points," etc., or else it will get blocked.

It will be an active place, and then you can now build in it!

Good luck on your contest!


Monday, August 15, 2011

Working on a "ROBLOX" App for iPad2!

Yes, My friend and I have been working on a ROBLOX App! It will mainly be focused on the forums, It will be the only thing you can see + Your tix and messages! So far, We have completed 40% of this project! Please give me ideas for my next APP!

I will also make an APP for Blogger! The admins//Interns will be able to post from there mobile devices...! It will be available, for the iPad1/2, iPhone, iPod Touch,Android Phones, Windows 7 phones, And Android Tablet! This project has been started, But is not mainly focused on.


Tips On Making Profit

Hello, ROBLOX News readers out there! Today I, xxshameless, am going to give you some tips on selling hats and other limited items. First I will start off with Limited items. With these, what I do is I check the average price for the item. Then sell it for one under that. Unless, that's the lowest price.
Remember, you want to make profit, but you don't want to sell it for too little or too much. The same with Limited U items, but those are a little more special. Also, if you get a special item like a 101, you can sell it to someone who collects those. They will pay top dollar for them. Though, when you get a face, not many people collect those. So then I suggest you buy them. The "Eyes of Azurewrath" were ones that everyone loved and wanted, though not many people got. Now, say you got those for R$10,000. You can now sell those for R$15,000 which was the original price.
If you do this with any other hat, gear, or face. Basically, any limited item you can do this to. But, make sure its worth buying!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hi Guys!

I'm jesse005. I'm one of the new interns for RN, and I'm shadowing Flingi2. I found out about ROBLOX about a year and a half ago. I was on Youtube, and thanks to the "Suggestions" on the side of the video, I got from videos of Family Guy, to Natural Disasters, to skateboarding, and then I ended up on a Roblox video. I've been checking out Roblox News multiple times a day since February 2011. I have been a big fan since then. Here at RN, I will be making banners for that banner scroller at the top of RN. I've made around 8 banners so far. You know a banner is made by me if it has a sunburst in the background, the words are shiny, or if it's a banner for a game review by Banjobug. On Roblox, I usually like to Forum, make free banners and logos, retexture, and I play a game every once in a while. Well, thanks for reading! If you would like to contact me, just tweet me on twitter (@Jesse005RBLX) or PM me on Roblox!

~ Jesse005

XxShameless; The Story

Hello RN! I'm xxshameless, and I'm one of the new interns! I'm working with IBarrageI for my intern time. I found ROBLOX when I was playing ArcadePreHacks then a ROBLOX advertisement was at the top of the screen. It showed a few cool places, I decided to click on it. Then it brought me to this cool website, I made a free account named Zombie. I started playing cool games. This was before I learned anything about building. I thought the games were so cool. But now that I see how the community has changed, it was A LOT better back then. But anyway, five years later here I am today writing this article for all of you to see. If you'd like to learn more about me, go ahead and tweet me or send me a PM on ROBLOX. Thank you for reading.



ROBLOX has COPIED some actual Gaming Devices, mostly portable! Here is some of them I found:
ROBLOX Portable Game System (RPGS)
First thing you notice about this is what it looks like, a PSP. Then you notice that the name ACTUALLY has portable in it... LIKE the PSP. Now things might be a little different like that the left buttons are WSAD and the buttons on the right are 1234 but otherwise, practically the same!

2.The Adventures Of Noob Boy
The Adventures of Noob Boy: Part 1
RIGHT when you look at this you can tell is a copy of the DS, it even has the slot in the back where you put in the game! The only thing different is on the back of it, it says ROBLOX and the whole thing is done in ROBLOX colors, and again, some of the things you push to move are WSAD!

Now, there's a couple more but I don't want to make this post TO long!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

New Limiteds : Profit To Be Made

I have recently been at band camp and have not had time to look into rising profit on limiteds. Today after coming back on roblox for more than a week I found some new limiteds that are rising and showing signs of profit.

Ancalagon: This hat is also known as "The Ice Dragon". 300 sold for 3k and is now sitting at a comfortable price of 6.6k . Profit is sure to be made. I recommend trying to buy this hat for 4.5k or 5k at the most. This hat will make scorching profit.

Azurewrath's Return: This sword sold for 200 robux. Only 2,000 were made. Now this gear is selling for 2k robu. I recommend buying this for 1k robux or less to make a decent amount of robux.

Deadly Thorn Potion: 301 have sold out of 1,000. This potion is selling for 1,000 robux. I fear that their are to many to make a profit. I would wait and watch this potion sell out. Then maybe snipe a low price.


Friday, August 12, 2011

RN Mobile App Bug Fix Submitted!

For those of you who have the Mobile ROBLOX News you probably have noticed an issues with the RSS feed (Blog List). A few days ago a fix was submitted! It will be free to update!

Mobile ROBLOX News HD

It has been a long time since the release of the first Mobile ROBLOX News, but finally we have something for the iPad users out there! Today I submitted the Mobile ROBLOX News HD application to the app store. After Apple reviews the application in about a week it will be available for $0.99 (I hope).

Here are some screenshots!