
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Roblox News Paintball! The story:

There were once four ROBLOXian travellers, named: Arbirator, IbarrageI, Xuber and Banjobug. They requisitioned a rocket from the ROBLOX Space agency and went off to explore the mesmerising universe. After 3 years of tiring space flight they stumbled upon the ancient planet of Kathora. Kathora was a lush, overgrown paradise, filled with exotic vegetation and indigenous species. Once the travellers settled on the planet, they contacted ROBLOXia to give the go ahead for a small colony to be built on Kathora.

Two years later, just over three hundred colonists were now inhabiting the surface of the planet. The travellers had a new objective however, and this was to travel to Kathora's moon: Krator. The moon was similar to he planet, it had fair amounts of vegetation and had exotic blue grass. It only had two seasons, in which it was either blazing hot, or freezing cold. During the Winter months the moon would completely freeze over and become a huge ball of ice. During the Summer months however, something interesting developed.

The four travellers were big paintball enthusiasts, and so every year, on Kator, they organised a small paintball tournament for a selected few of the colonists. These paintballers were split up into four teams: Spooked, Spiders, SuperPots and Aliens. Every year they have a competitive game, and every year one team are announced the winners. Faboulous prizes are bestowed upon this team, including the infamous ROBLOXian currency: Robux.

Photo taken from Kator. In the distance you can see Kathora
and the star: Demencia.


  1. Nice backstory! Can't wait to play with you guys! Go superpots! :D

  2. I wont play now :(

  3. Are we going to be the leaders of the team of which bases we created?


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