
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

REVIEW: Work at a Pizza Place

What is the greatest thing in the world? I should think it's obvious, pizza!

Everyone loves pizza! Pizza is the best thing ever. Do you like pizza? WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE PIZZA?! Go away! You don't like food we'll eat it! I love pizza Anyway, everyone knows that eating pizza is more fun than making it but is that always the case? In dued1's Work at a pizza place it can become quite fun. Also, this review features a Video Review at the bottom of the page. Be sure to check it out!

Gameplay 9/10
There are a lot of jobs and each of them MUST have someone performing them or it simply doesn't work. If you don't have a supplier the cooks will run out of food so the boxer can't box pizzas so the delivery boys can't deliver pizzas so no one gets money. However, some jobs are more desirable than others. There are also some people that don't bother to read the tutorial. For example, there are some cooks in the game who forget to put cheese on pizza. I mean seriously, what the heck? Anyway, with the money you buy you can buy a house and furniture. It's a pretty fun game as long as no one's an idiot.

Effort 10/10
Obviously the creator put a ton of effort into making this place. There are a ton of scripts that are needed and the map is placed very well. I imagine it took a few weeks to make the place.

Creativity 10/10
I remember when this game first came out. To my knowledge it was the very first Work at a pizza place game. So this game doesn't get any points taken off for creativity

Overall: 9.5/10


  • When people forget to put cheese on the pizza or something else have a GUI pop up telling them they need to put cheese on their pizzas.
  • Make some jobs more exciting
  • Make things more 'cheesy'
  • Make sure people can't hijack trucks


If you want your place reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about your place! I'll be glad to give you ideas on your place and help make it better. Also, you should follow me on twitter even if you don't have a RANT or review request! Sometimes I invite my followers to go to places with me to help review them.

Place Reviewed: Work at a Pizza Place
Reviewed by: Banjobug
Published by: Flingi2


  1. Oh well... I can't edit it because Flingi posted it. I swear I did though. It's a 9.5/10

  2. Dont' blame me, I just copied and pasted. Btw I added it

  3. LOL you killed all those players who kept throwing the product off the truck!


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