
Friday, November 25, 2011

Interview with ZeroVelocity!


1) When did you join ROBLOX? What were your first impressions?

Answer: I first joined Roblox on July 24th, 2007 with an alternative account. My initial impression was nothing much-- I used to forum on other websites before this, so Roblox was nothing spectacular.

2) What part of the game appealed to you the most?

Answer: The freedom of creativity appealed to me the most. It was nice to see a place where you can build anything without many rules or guidelines.

3) When you first joined ROBLOX, was there a player you inspired to be? Do you still admire that player?

Answer: When I first joined Roblox, Are92 was my primary inspiration for everything. Now: not so much.

4) What do you mostly do on ROBLOX?

Answer: I spent most of my time building. When I am not doing that I am managing my groups.

5) Everyone knows you're a great graphic designer, how did you become so good?

Answer: I have many years of experience with PDN. (:

6) Have you ever made ROBLOX ads? Do you sell them?

Answer: I do make advertisements, but not as frequently as I used to. I also used to sell them, but not any more.

7) Which ROBLOX forum do you spend most of your time on? Why?

Answer: I rarely spend any time on the forums. Honestly, I have not forumed excessively in a year or so.

8) Doughnuts or iced buns?

Answer: Doughnuts. (:

9) Judging from your only game on your profile you build using c-frame, would you consider yourself to be good at it? Why?

Answer: The thumbnail of the place you see was created by a friend and I. My friend did most of the landscaping; and I did the building. To answer your question, I would indeed consider myself good at CFraming. I use it all the time. Practice and experience. (;

10) Have you ever worked with other ROBLOX players on a project? If so, what project?

Answer: See the first sentence of the above answer.^

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