
Saturday, November 26, 2011

The "new" Biograft Energy Sword

For the Black Friday weekend celebrations, Roblox released several new gears. But there was one that was kept secret until its release. The Spec Zeta Biograph Energy Sword.

It is limited with 200 in stock and cost R$ 5,000. And is now selling for 12,000, If you are thinking of investing in this, wait till prices just dip down to 10,000 - 8,000 to make a decent profit.

It is believed to be the last one in its series. and there have been 5 in this series, all names varying by a letter from the Greek alphabet.

But during the series the power of the swords have varied.

Looking at the scripts, this is what the damage stats are:
The powers seem to have been increasing at a very slow rate, but with zeta, the stats are at their highest.

Whether there will be any more energy swords is unknown. But if there is, what we do know, it will be more powerful than its predecessors.

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